Search results

  1. dominic

    IIS Problem

    try create new file and type: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  2. dominic

    IIS Problem

  3. dominic

    IIS Problem

    PHP installed?
  4. dominic

    Need help translating for TheHabbos!

    $LNG['categories'] = 'Kategorier'; $LNG['all_retros'] = 'Alle Retroer'; $LNG['flash'] = 'Flash'; $LNG['shockwave'] = 'Shockwave'; $LNG['old_school'] = 'Old School'; $LNG['search'] = 'Søg'; $LNG['social'] = 'Social'; $LNG['webmasters'] = 'Webmasters'; $LNG['add_site'] = 'Tilføj side'...
  5. dominic

    [REL] Phoenix Bot Maker v1 [REL]

    I actually think, this is the exactly same release as on *****.. LOL
  6. dominic

    uberCMS connection disposed {HELP}

    I can try. ID & Pass. -> Send inbox. Thnx
  7. dominic

    uberCMS connection disposed {HELP}

    He got a home room. I think it's variables, rooms or SWF.
  8. dominic

    uberCMS connection disposed {HELP}

    Let me just ask. You get into hotel, and then into a room, then disconnects?
  9. dominic

    Uhm, what?

    Uhm, what?
  10. dominic

    Introduction DevBest, I'm here

    Welcome. :-D