Don't give out your ip, I could easily boot your hotel, take over your vps or boot you. B careful, use cloudflare. They'll set it all up for you, just follow the instructions.
And second of all, use a domain. .tk is shit. GoDaddy offers .99$ domain for us residents, use...
This does this alot when you're using a proxy on your pc or a different browser, try using a different browser and if that doesn't work disable your proxy. Please tell me if you need any more help.
lol? It works with more than goldtree and phoenix, i'm basically just saying, all the databases are the same except a few small changes to the tables and that's what I did, it works with every emulator currently, even R63B such as uberemu or silverware
Yes guys, it's being released today, I tried to release it yesterday but I had plans so it's coming out today for sure.
I did that but modifying the database was not the point, modifying it to work with the current gold tree and current phoenix emulator databases instead of adding to...