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  1. Ubuntu

    wanted azure

    That site is the official site of Azure, go to if you want the emulator too :P
  2. Ubuntu

    wanted azure

    Here you go
  3. Ubuntu

    How to Post a Thread

    Who was it helpful to? I want to ask them if their mum dropped them as a kid.
  4. Ubuntu

    VexASE - Coming Soon

    @LewisBHS I'm not using your anymore, i'm starting from scratch this time. Sorry about that man. :P
  5. Ubuntu

    [Help] Emulator R63B

    @13rad, I know how to use it. It's just shit. SO many bugs including rooms, groups, when you enter a room it dc's sometimes.
  6. Ubuntu

    Tickle my balls and call me sally

    Tickle my balls and call me sally
  7. Ubuntu

    welcome <3

    welcome <3
  8. Ubuntu

    [HElP] Azure 0157

    Use aVPN and try. just do it.
  9. Ubuntu

    [HElP] Azure 0157

    At school rn, can't.
  10. Ubuntu

    AzureEMU Link?

    Could someone give me a link to Azure Emu link? Including the database.
  11. Ubuntu

    [HElP] Azure 0157

    Okay try this, download a vpn and then try it, if it don't work tell me because if it don't I can probably tell what's wrong.
  12. Ubuntu

    IIS Error 500 19 Internal Server Error

    Don't give out your ip, I could easily boot your hotel, take over your vps or boot you. B careful, use cloudflare. They'll set it all up for you, just follow the instructions. And second of all, use a domain. .tk is shit. GoDaddy offers .99$ domain for us residents, use...
  13. Ubuntu

    [Help] Emulator R63B

    Yea same, could anyone get me a link? I use silverware and it's shit.
  14. Ubuntu

    [HElP] Azure 0157

    This does this alot when you're using a proxy on your pc or a different browser, try using a different browser and if that doesn't work disable your proxy. Please tell me if you need any more help.
  15. Ubuntu

    [Help] Habbo Hotel setup on Google Cloud

    vmware >
  16. Ubuntu

    VexASE - Coming Soon

    lol? It works with more than goldtree and phoenix, i'm basically just saying, all the databases are the same except a few small changes to the tables and that's what I did, it works with every emulator currently, even R63B such as uberemu or silverware
  17. Ubuntu

    VexASE - Coming Soon

    Yes guys, it's being released today, I tried to release it yesterday but I had plans so it's coming out today for sure. @Leader I did that but modifying the database was not the point, modifying it to work with the current gold tree and current phoenix emulator databases instead of adding to...
  18. Ubuntu

    Steam Launch Help

    When I launch steam it says you must have a certain gfx card. But i've had steam for over a year and it's never did this..?
  19. Ubuntu

    VexASE - Coming Soon

    @JayCustom @Keshaun Please don't argue on this thread as it's off topic and spam, take it to an inbox.
  20. Ubuntu

    VexASE - Coming Soon

    Sorry for not releasing the update yesterday, I was busy with some work, when I get home today it will be released.