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  1. S

    plusEMU issues.

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me sort this issue? The issue is, whenever a user is trying to use the command ":pickall" they end up picking up there entire room yes or if they pickup an item, BUT if they reload there room the items they've picked up will return back in there room...
  2. S

    [Release] NationRP Emu and DB!

    nationRP just stole all of SmashRP's work and claimed it was his, you can see the developers of smashRP's names in the emulator as well.
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    revCMS news error.

    Hi, I keep getting this error while using revCMS trying to post a news article via housekeeping... Incorrect string value: '\x92s fin...' for column 'longstory' at row 1 thanks, Steve
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    [SOLVED] Help with client

    Sorted @Sledmore close thread please
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    [SOLVED] emulator error

    sorted close thread @Sledmore someone
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    [SOLVED] emulator error

    @JayTouch fixed now, now having a black client after loading my client, it loads the habbo bit, then turns black.
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    [SOLVED] emulator error

    That was already like that when I had gotten the emulator, I'm not sure what the defaults were.
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    [SOLVED] emulator error

    ## uberEmulator System Configuration File ## Must be edited for the server to work ## MySQL Configuration db.hostname=localhost db.port=3306 db.username=root db.password=*********** ## MySQL pooling setup (controls amount of connections) db.pool.minsize=30 db.pool.maxsize=400 ## Game...
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    [SOLVED] emulator error

    hi, I've never had this error before, so idk what it is, how would I fix this: Thanks, Steve
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    [SOLVED] Help with client

    Bump I still neeed help @Sledmore
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    [SOLVED] Help with client

    That's my proxy.
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    [FINAL] reCMS edit by iExit [2012 to 2013]

    PM Me, I'll get back to you after work.
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    Recruiting Developer

    I'm using swiftEMU as the base, all exploits HAVE been patched already.
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    [SOLVED] Help with client

    Hi, MY client loads to 100% then it ends up freezing then redirecting to /me my SWFS work, my emulators an R63B one, my configuration is right. Screenshots of my config: This is my client.php <?php...
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    [FINAL] reCMS edit by iExit [2012 to 2013]

    I translated this entire CMS and have edited it.
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    Recruiting Developer

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    Recruiting Developer

    I still need someone for this project. So, Bump.
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    revCMS help

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knew the code to use when trying to add peoples IP's to the site, so they can access the website while in maintenance. I used to know it, I've forgotten it now, Thanks, Steve
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    mySQL help

    idk was working fine like 15 minz ago
  20. S

    mySQL help

    Hi guys, I keep getting this error when trying to connect to my databsase... Any idea why @Sledmore or anyone if you could help me, I'd appreciate it thanks Steve