Well, the function is actually to there. Thus one can create his Ripper reports, and I did not want the whole index fully waste with all the codes. :p
Create Ripper Report now works.
Hey people,
I want to introduce one of my new projects.
There is a website where you can warn people before that eg this person is a ripper. In principle actually constructed Simple, and you can create Ripper report requests by filling in a form, and will be checked by the administrator. There...
I had made a long time break, because I just wanted to expand my PHP knowledge. I mean, what do you expect from a 12 year old?
Yes um, I have completely re-started with the CMS.
And'm ready yet for the articles.
Hello people,
I have been working today on a new CMS. And suddenly get some errors, I've had ever looked, and bit edited, but it still does not work:
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc () expects parameter 1 to be resource, string givenName in / Applications / XAMPP / xamppfiles / htdocs / customer /...
Hello community,
I have a small suggestion. Since there among us not only CoD players are ghosts, but also MW3 - BO2, etc, would be a good solution to open a CoD general area where then the following items are listed for example by MW up to ghosts.
That's why I've created a poll and ask you Vote.
Yes um, I'm currently not at my CMS on.
I make things more now for the RevCMS, I finds more than BaseCMS perfect!
Yes, here I create currently a new ME Page