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  1. Ecko

    Says some files aren't there

    either your web.config or file permissions
  2. Ecko

    Display 2 Different Mysqli Results In One Script?

    yes use a join statement
  3. Ecko

    Auto Clicker for Video Games

    Use a color clicker instead:
  4. Ecko

    Radio help/ Chmod (change mode) Help!

    I see, you're doing everything locally. You won't need to change the permissions on the file(s) because xampp (apache) is running as a system service on Windows and therefore has system privileges. You should continue with your installation and see if any errors are thrown.
  5. Ecko

    Radio help/ Chmod (change mode) Help!

    In FileZilla, right click the file on the right hand side and choose File Permissions. Numeric value should be 0777 (if running suPHP, 0644 will work)
  6. Ecko

    Radio help/ Chmod (change mode) Help!

    Are you using IIS or Apache?
  7. Ecko

    Radio help/ Chmod (change mode) Help!

    chmod 777 filename.ext If you are using cPanel, open the File Manager and click on the file. Then click Change Permissions.
  8. Ecko

    PC "A GAME" guide

    I know the guy who made this, SRBuckey5266. javascript:money=99999999999999; for those who didn't know
  9. Ecko

    Show DevBest Flux OS by BiOK

    If you're making an OS, why are you using Microsoft libs? If it took you 6 months to make just this portion of it, how long do you think it would take you to create a proper kernel + OS?
  10. Ecko

    AJAX and jQuery need help plz :(
  11. Ecko

    Simple website cart PHP

    They are using Joomla + redShop (Joomla extension)
  12. Ecko

    Show DevBest Portfolio 2014 - Feedback Needed.

    Scrap it all together
  13. Ecko

    Show DevBest Portfolio 2014 - Feedback Needed.

    How did you come to 35% for PHP? And 55% for JavaScript? Proper way is to show samples of what you've done. Not estimate on your knowledge. That would baffle potential employers.
  14. Ecko

    Show DevBest Portfolio 2014 - Feedback Needed.

    Having a little progress bar to show what you are knowledgeable in is really dumb.
  15. Ecko

    Mac vs. PC

  16. Ecko

    shoutbox update

    /vote ban <user>
  17. Ecko

    Call of Duty [CoD: Ghosts] Multiplayer Gamertags

    XBL: eckostylez
  18. Ecko

    cPanel nameservrs?

    If you have access to WHM, go to Edit DNS Zone
  19. Ecko

    PC Epic Gaming PC (The Large Pixel Collider)

    mod the drivers although most ATX boards cannot fit more than 4 gfx cards, nor is there enough bandwidth in the SLI link for it to work propely
  20. Ecko

    Logo Request [Will Pay $]

    I need someone to create me a logo that says 'ChromeHost' PM me for further details. I will require a few mock ups. You will be compensated for your work.