Simple tutorial on how to translate german:
1. Open the PHP file including german.
2. Copy the lines you want to translate
3. Go to
4. Select from German to English
5. Place nr.2 in the textbox
6. Click translate
7. Copy the translated text
8. Replace nr.2 with nr.7
9. Click...
But that's what I'm trying to tell you. I'm 98% sure that there is no housekeeping having those features - thats why you have to do it through phpmyadmin (or navicat).
If you consider this as flaming, be my guest. Stop dobbleposting. But this thread is unnecessary as you already had one with the exact same request. Thats why this thread is pointless and should be closed. Follow the section rules.
Anyways, yes you should learn yourself or find a pointshop...
You know how to write HTML, right?
0. Write your article in html.
1. Open navicat
2. Open your database
3. Open cms_news in your database
4. Find the article you want to edit
5. Edit longstory in the article you want to add the html to
See? Makes perfect sense
You are on to something but the transparency is weird and it doesn't look that good. You should try to make it less transparent. But anyways, looks ok I guess.
You should fix the colours in it. The red is messed up with the blue border and the login button seems a little strange. 4/10. Thanks for sharing afterall.