Custom Clothing while it's cool, its the reason people moan about the clothing load times, its why I just never use custom clothing, just all the habbo clothing and then set the genders to everyone
honestly, your avatar editor won't lag if you're only using the original habbo clothing. Custom Clothing is the main cause of the avatar editor taking a long time to load
Some of you may find this useful
others may not
I saw Boon had a chrome extension that always allows flash for their website so all credits go to them for this
All I did was edit it to allow flash on any website running a https domain (Most sites should be using this anyway tbh)
Might come in...
another thing for you to check is make sure if you have any links like to css, js etc in your page you make sure the links is https not http, same with any other site possibly linked to that page for css or something else