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  1. Meap

    LTD Limit

    I’ve got something like this coded on mine so people can only Buy X amount of each LTD per day to stop one person who’s got enough currency buying a large majority of them Just logs into a table with the user id and item id and when it hits X amount it stops inserting and doesn’t allow them to...
  2. Meap

    Applicant Back and looking for something to do

    just gonna point out pretty sure you didnt code 99% of that stuff for surge
  3. Meap

    Retro Hotel Owners BEWARE

    shes going on about being in the scene for years yet ive never even heard of her
  4. Meap

    Retro Hotel Owners BEWARE

  5. Meap


    I got bored so here @hosteventsguy namespace Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.Moderator { class RoomSayCommand : IChatCommand { public string PermissionRequired { get { return "command_roomsay"; } } public string Parameters {...
  6. Meap

    [PLUS] Randomly numbered Limited Edition.

    think its been like that for a while tbh pretty sure arcturus also has their LTD's setup like that and it got requested by a user of mine so I tried and failed LOL then asked the big boss himself if he could do it
  7. Meap

    [PLUS] Randomly numbered Limited Edition.

    Its how habbo do their LTD's instead of it giving you an LTD in increment order so like if theres 20/20 and you buy the first itll give you #1 itll give you a random number out of those 20 available so that way its random at what number you get and it makes getting #1 or whatever number you want...
  8. Meap

    [PLUS] Randomly numbered Limited Edition.

    CREATE TABLE `catalog_items_limited` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `number` varchar(55) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `item_id` varchar(85) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; @Damien
  9. Meap

    Auto Flash Acceptance

    Yeah I personally don’t use it but I just thought it would come in handy for people who are always on retros.
  10. Meap

    NextGen Hosting

    what a sad bunch of twats lol
  11. Meap

    Help-me PLUS EMULATOR.

    you need to rebuild the solution save all changes and then click the build tab at the top of Visual Studio and click rebuild solution Once its rebuilt start your emulator and changes should be applied
  12. Meap

    NextGen Hosting

    "closeddontcare" m8
  13. Meap

    NextGen Hosting

    well, rip best host 2019
  14. Meap

    NextGen Hosting

    Honestly, someone give this man a Straitjacket and just throw him in a room
  15. Meap

    NextGen Hosting

    I make that in a week from one job or I’ll make double that for doing my other job ? £240 is 3 months is shocking
  16. Meap

    NextGen Hosting

    How does someone who's running a hosting company, fail so miserably to spell words correctly
  17. Meap

    Youtube Video in the Room

    Its done via websocketing
  18. Meap

    hi darlin

    hi darlin
  19. Meap

    pls stahp

    pls stahp
  20. Meap

    pls stahp

    pls stahp