Just to clarify he's looking for someone to setup a hotel with him, as in owning it with him. It'd be dumb for him to pay someone to set it up for him then for them to leave him abandoned without help for future references. It's a big difference due to the fact that he is looking for someone to...
Website looks pretty nice. I'll check out the server whenever more people are on. Though I am pretty surprised to see you here, something I would have never expected I guess. Good luck though. I'd expect to see a good future if it is in fact the real (iRage).
There's also formats to this...
Curious to see some real snippets because as of now you just show a short code of the official file which you are just including the major code in. What I mean is show of some real snippets other than includes - eg alpha/plugins/login/form or alpha/footer.
I'm kind of a doubter as the last...