So yeah seen this lass on TikTok. Her songs been out a day and it’s accumulated 29 million views on YouTube alone. Posting here for search results. And also. I actually like it 😅😅
So basically A radio station had ‘what’s your biggest cringe’ on Facebook and I commented ‘feeder frost’ you know that frost in the freezer when it goes in everything
so they messaged me and I went on national radio tonight here’s the vid. Sorry about sound quality
This place needs some interaction
message below. Your life story. A joke. Basically fucking anything just get convo started
Post with most likes will win subscription on Monday
(Monday 10th may 2020)
I will not be getting. Chances getting Covid are like 99%.will survive. I’ve asthma the whack got bad medical history I’ve been doing everything have been doing before corona im still here
So basically my work is trying to raise funds for comic relief however everyone is workin from home.
I can’t think of things to raise money, I do stand up comedy and was thinking something along them lines but I cba to think of a set
anyone got any ideas what I can do?
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