I got my name not to long ago really, I've been using it since about decemberish last year.
Anyways I got it from xenogfx/Owner of fatalhotel, he was really nice to me when I was learning how to code and I started to look up to him and noticed his name on forums was xenogfx thus I changed its to...
I started learning to code about 3 months ago, and since that time I've been able to construct a cms. But as heaplink has stated it won't take a week or two unless your going to produce something shitty like phoenix php. Also you should learn php rather than pay someone to do it as they may...
Rather a sad sesh lets offer sme tips, Lets start with your own custom skin for rev(only needs basic html and css knowledge) , 2 a referal system where users can gain credits or points for inviting others(minimal knowledge of php), 3 a special unique event once a week (a disco or a unuasual game...