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  1. Xenous

    Guess where this is from :)

    Monsters Inc
  2. Xenous

    Expose yourself!

    Following in Quackster 's footsteps :)
  3. Xenous

    Introduction Hello?

    Welcome to devbest Jordan :D
  4. Xenous

    [SERVICE] HTML/CSS Designer [FREE]

    That's pretty much What I wanted :)
  5. Xenous

    [SERVICE] HTML/CSS Designer [FREE]

    The project is a cms I'm working on, just a header up top and a small content box aout 50px below it, I'd do this myself but im quite lazy at this time of night.
  6. Xenous

    [SERVICE] HTML/CSS Designer [FREE]

    I'd like a simple dark greyish error / maint page for a project I'm working on. Think you could do that?
  7. Xenous

    Re: Indigo [Java, MySQL, R63]

    Well I'm sad to see it stopped but happy to see it released. You've done a great job Alex, you have my respect for finishing such a project!
  8. Xenous

    [REL] Habbo Index Image

    @ james thats just sad
  9. Xenous

    Habbo's New User Interface, if they do the right mixture it can look sexy..
  10. Xenous

    I dont wish to spam the thread but I never remember not being able to not save an img off the...

    I dont wish to spam the thread but I never remember not being able to not save an img off the internets
  11. Xenous

    [REL] Habbo Index Image

    If people cant steal an image from a website then they shouldnt be on the internet, anyways im sure some nubs will love this...
  12. Xenous

    Introduction Howdy

    Welcome to devbest Jordan ^^
  13. Xenous

    Introduction Introducing: Minute!

    The way you act on these forums indicates that your either immature or not the age you say you are. @op Dunno if I've posted already but welcome :)
  14. Xenous

    UberCMS > Homes

    This has already been fixed on the other forum you use, last time I checked atleast ^^
  15. Xenous

    [DEV]ribbonCMS[PHP/MySQLi OOP]

    OFT: Why did I have to die :C! OT:Looking naice, wish you the best of luck :3
  16. Xenous

    r64 Leak?

    I've seen a few people edit habbo.swfs to look very different such as this, so I doubt this is legit.
  17. Xenous

    Neon profile picture

    I like it, its different ^^
  18. Xenous

    Why do I receive a 404?

    His mysql is fine, he's using a bit of my code. Its confused me a little since im tired so return a favor and teamview him.
  19. Xenous

    Why we don't get many women on this forum

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