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  1. Quackster

    Anyone want hween sub?

    Shorty hasn't done anything, he doesn't deserve it.
  2. Quackster

    Post your PC Specs

    Nice to finally see someone pairing a 1700 with a non B350 motherboard.
  3. Quackster

    Roseau - Fully featured V1 server [Java]

    Shockwave never has, and never will work on anything except Windows.
  4. Quackster

    Benchmark your CPU with CPU-Z

    You got a fucking golden sample mate, holy shit.
  5. Quackster

    Adding Customs to Arcturus

    Productdata is only used for catalogues, hence the name "product" ;) Make sure the sprite ID matches up in the furnidata.xml and the furniture/items_base table. It's how the client knows which SWF to load.
  6. Quackster

    Adding Customs to Arcturus

    Did you add it into furnidata.xml and productdata.txt too?
  7. Quackster

    Expose yourself!

    It's ya boi Quackster. I took this photo after I ate some food, that's why there's some shit everywhere :P
  8. Quackster

    My Coming out story

    That's pretty gay dude.
  9. Quackster

    Roseau - Fully featured V1 server [Java]

    It needs to be hosted on a web server for it to work. Don't try and open up index.html in the folder on its own.
  10. Quackster

    Roseau - Fully featured V1 server [Java]

    If anyone fails to load Shockwave after installing Pale Moon 32-bit (you NEED 32-bit to load Shockwave files), please download the Shockwave installer I've linked below: Unfortunately it seems like Adobe no longer links to their...
  11. Quackster

    There are no "normal" people in this scene

    Why has a goddamn rant thread been posted by a staff member?
  12. Quackster

    Add the thinking emoji as an emote for DevBest

    It's not so obvious it's a thinking emoji though.
  13. Quackster

    Project Alaska - PlusEMU 2 Edits

    FYI if you want encryption you need change line 14 in SSOTicketEvent.cs from if (Session == null /*|| Session.RC4Client == null*/ || Session.GetHabbo() != null) To if (Session == null || Session.RC4Client == null || Session.GetHabbo() != null) And then use HabKit, run it on the original...
  14. Quackster

    Add the thinking emoji as an emote for DevBest

    None of them match! Do you think LUL matches with :) ?
  15. Quackster

    Add the thinking emoji as an emote for DevBest

    Hello, I just have one suggestion, and that is to add this as :thinking: for DevBest. I really think the forum needs it to show others that you're thinking about something ;) 28x28: Original version (Warning: 5000x5000 pixels):
  16. Quackster

    DevBest gaming server?

    I liked what CraftBest originally was :) Had a shopping center where you could buy and sell stuff and it was basic survival where you'd have to gather resources to build your own place and stuff.
  17. Quackster

    [Service] SWF Hub - Download the latest SWFs (including cracked versions)

    SWF Hub Hello everyone! I started this service last week or so back and it basically is a service of providing the latest Habbo client flash files, including cracked (that is, RC4 also disabled). Each download contains the gamedata that was present at the time too, such as...
  18. Quackster

    [Plus Emulator] Complete header list for PRODUCTION-201709052204-426856518

    Hello, Since the section seems to have stagnated on updating their release builds I decided to chip in release the updated headers myself. This is for PRODUCTION-201709052204-426856518. If you want to use these headers in Plus Emulator without encryption just download the cracked SWF from SWF...
  19. Quackster

    INACTIVE Project Alias

    And then .NET Core became a thing. :P
  20. Quackster

    Laptop Suggestions?

    Get a ThinkPad, best laptops ever. Gaming on a laptop is a meme anyways.