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  1. SageSaga

    How do I update my nitro to 1.0.0? 1.0.0 release is in there. Goodluck.
  2. SageSaga

    Sulake sending Habbo Retros DMCA Copyrights

    I'm sure most of you here have definitely made research about this before as the risk is always there. Throughout the few years of Habbo Retros I am confident that we have all at least seen 1 retro go down because of Sulake. We're now in 2021. Are Sulake still trying to take Retros down? Or...
  3. SageSaga

    How do I update my nitro to 1.0.0?

    If no one ends up replying, I suggest you to head to Nitro's Discord server to ask for help. I think it's much more efficient there.
  4. SageSaga

    How to enable floor plan editor

    Have you also executed :update_permissions? If yes, then I am not sure what else should be done as I don't use Nitro.
  5. SageSaga

    How to enable floor plan editor

    If you're using Arcturus Morningstar, then go to database and do the following: Peremissions > Rank > acc_floorplan_editor > value 1.
  6. SageSaga

    Covid-19 Vaccine

    I'm gonna fucking take it since Singapore's Authorities mentioned 13 hours ago that the virus has possibilities of being Airborne. I'm not risking it man.
  7. SageSaga

    now, next and later script

    Damn u BIG D! :D
  8. SageSaga

    Recruiting Looking for Staff!

    Recruiting Staff Members for Ace Hotel, ran on Arcturus Morningstar and we have our own downloadable application. Hope to get Professional Staff around as awesome staff attracts awesome users! :D Add me on discord if required, Akstar#4151.
  9. SageSaga

    [REL] Multiple InfoBus RoomADs

    Seems awesome. Thanks!
  10. SageSaga


    Certain ones that fit each other. Just remember to check, goodluck! And Arcturus Morningstar best fit because there are still Developers around helping you when questions arise like Krews.
  11. SageSaga


    Arcturus Morningstar. PlusEMU might be a little hassle as you need to know what you're doing to really use it, but for MS it's not that difficult. Most of the things you need to do is through SQL in my opinion. Though you have to make sure your CMS is compatible with MS before attempting to...
  12. SageSaga

    [HELP] Arcturus Morningstar Problem..

    For your last error, head to your SQL and head to table emulator_settings. CTRL F and put runtime.thread, put it to 32 as stated from the console itself. Make sure that the emulator was shutted down when doing the edits.
  13. SageSaga

    AsteroidApp - Flash Browser Source for Habbo (MacOS/Windows 7/8/10 x32/x64)

    Can this be developed on a seperate VPS or it has to be on the same VPS?
  14. SageSaga

    XSS Exploit?

    Someone seems to be able to post a news on my CMS, mentioning that there is a XSS exploit which I have no idea how to handle due to it being HTML language, can anyone render any help?
  15. SageSaga

    Adobe Issues?

    There isn't any flash browser right not that has Developer Console to inspect the errors, so I'll let you know. It took 3 days for beeimg to upload a ads bgm, so I found it rather a hassle. if I were to shift the ads per click, it's taking a few months. bro
  16. SageSaga

    Mac Flash Browsers

    I used Habflash and Maxthon Nitro to only find out that, Habflash could only load half of the catalogue. Initially I thought it was SWF issues, but after members telling me there was nothing wrong, I used Maxthon Nitro and turns out Maxthon Nitro could load the entire catalogue. Though these 2...
  17. SageSaga

    Mac Flash Browsers

    What are some current working Flash Browsers you know like some chrominium browsers or maxthon nitro, browsers like this that has adobe flash content that still work for Mac?
  18. SageSaga

    Adobe Issues?

    On Arcturus Morningstar, you could formally use beeimg to host ads background. But it seems like it's no longer working. What are the alternative you guys are using?
  19. SageSaga

    How to add a welcome lounge (Help Please)

    Knew about that quite long ago :D
  20. SageSaga

    How to add a welcome lounge (Help Please)

    If what Calensi said was actually a little complicated to you in which some people might not understand, what you can do is host the pictures on beeimg, and then just simply get the direct link that beeimg has provided and past it on the ads background. Done in lesser then 30 seconds when you...