Plus EMU R2 Working Crackables


May 18, 2020
Hi I bring you all Plus EMU R2 with Working crackables.

Don't know the features as was asked to help with it then fell out with the person shortly after have had the emu for about 3 months so forgot the features. Database is not included all thats missing is the table for the rewards which is called catalog_crackable_rewards add the columns item_baseid and rewards. (this is as far as i know) if any other problems post in the comments or dm me on devbest and ill post the fix in the comments.

To make a furni crackable change the interaction_type to MAGICEGG will offer help for others I also believe that there are MAGICCHEST coded in but haven't really gone over it probably missing a few lines as i know MAGICCHEST does not work, but the interaction type is there.

EDIT; This is for revision 2017 unsure if others work.
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May 18, 2020
Fabulous Release @Morohara.
Thanks, plan on editing the way the crackables are given out will update periodically when I can be arsed as that was what I was asked to do and have some spare time here and there. Will be adding the DB to the file after aswell. The current way the rewards are filled out inside of the columns can be pretty confusing to new people so plan on implementing an easier solution for newbies.


Mar 31, 2018
Thanks, plan on editing the way the crackables are given out will update periodically when I can be arsed as that was what I was asked to do and have some spare time here and there. Will be adding the DB to the file after aswell. The current way the rewards are filled out inside of the columns can be pretty confusing to new people so plan on implementing an easier solution for newbies.
Love this. Might just use it.


May 28, 2020
Lol @Morohara my old R2 emulator with bios crackables, why no credits? there’s still a shit ton of issues with it but fixed it all and if people use their brains, they can figure out how to work crackables for all of the items including newer releases which i’ve already done❤️
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Oh btw everyone, if you’d like to use this, you’d need the swfs the crackables for magicchest, crates, etc is all fucked. Idk if I added it but if you want an actual solution to your problems, hmu instead as this guy doesn’t even know how it works.
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May 18, 2020
Lol @Morohara my old R2 emulator with bios crackables, why no credits? there’s still a shit ton of issues with it but fixed it all and if people use their brains, they can figure out how to work crackables for all of the items including newer releases which i’ve already done❤️
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Oh btw everyone, if you’d like to use this, you’d need the swfs the crackables for magicchest, crates, etc is all fucked. Idk if I added it but if you want an actual solution to your problems, hmu instead as this guy doesn’t even know how it works.
Why no credits? because none of it is your work. + I don't know who originally worked on it.


May 28, 2020
Why no credits? because none of it is your work. + I don't know who originally worked on it.
Like I said, it’s crackables from BIOS emulator as i’ve mentioned plenty of times, no need for this release as it’s just Plain R2 with crackables from Bios release. They can just download Bios and take it from that emulator. This release is useless. No working database, no swfs for the crackables that actually work. What were you thinking? Have you finished using System Threading as a timer to reward users periodically? Lol. Btw credits to Thiago for his release of Bios Emulator.


May 18, 2020
Like I said, it’s crackables from BIOS emulator as i’ve mentioned plenty of times, no need for this release as it’s just Plain R2 with crackables from Bios release. They can just download Bios and take it from that emulator. This release is useless. No working database, no swfs for the crackables that actually work. What were you thinking? Have you finished using System Threading as a timer to reward users periodically? Lol. Btw credits to Thiago for his release of Bios Emulator.
No because I don't really play retros anymore I don't have the need/want to play a retro. Obviously this has annoyed you if you had just messaged me asking me to remove this I would have. Instead you've decided to act like a child and get all angry and pissed off. You came to me asking for how to set custom rewards for the crackables because you couldn't understand how to.
This isn't the place for it i'm going to stop responding to you on this thread if you want to talk this out like adults hmu in the dms or don't idc.


May 28, 2020
No because I don't really play retros anymore I don't have the need/want to play a retro. Obviously this has annoyed you if you had just messaged me asking me to remove this I would have. Instead you've decided to act like a child and get all angry and pissed off. You came to me asking for how to set custom rewards for the crackables because you couldn't understand how to.
This isn't the place for it i'm going to stop responding to you on this thread if you want to talk this out like adults hmu in the dms or don't idc.
Setting custom rewards for the crackables is easily done through the table by editing the item id’s, it’s common sense, why sit here and lie about that shit lmao. And why would I want you to remove PlusEMU from Sledmore, BiosEMU Crackables from Thiago? I just implemented into the emulator that you took and crashed the entire server after throwing a fit because you couldn’t figure out how to get crackables working yourself. Since you want to start insulting me. Don’t post shit acting like you did the work yourself and promising features that’ll never be coded in. Add the database and SWF’s already, stop making the users wait. This is basically a release of Revision 2 if you can’t even post my database I gave you a copy of nor the swfs for the crackables. Like I said, this release is fucking useless.


to be determined
Jun 6, 2017
oof. I remember Chris, the time when @Morohara was helping you, to see you call anything that should come from him useless? Immature man. Whatever the circumstances are, don’t forget where you came from. To bite the hand that once fed you is nothing short of arrogance.

P.S hope all is well with you


May 18, 2020
I never crashed the server aload of bollocks tbh. I simply removed my staff and left that was it. The reason I got pissed off was because you were going around saying that you were working on the furni and doing all of it when it wasn't you I was doing it. I was the one that showed you how to edit the crackables and add different items as seen below with the screenshots and proof.

You asked me to help you sort out your catalogue you asked me to translate your catalogue you asked me to edit your catalogue.
So much for me not figuring out how the crackable system worked aye?
You sure you know what you're doing? Doesn't seem it?

That is why I basically told you to fuck off you were TELLING me how to do things when you couldn't even do it correctly? You came to me asking me to help you with SQL queries, You asked me multiple times for help with different queries because you couldn't understand why a certain crackable wouldn't drop more then one item?

Also you telling me to look into the wrong files again:
Also you asking for my help with simple furni editting:

We both know im more then capable of releasing a working db for this emu and stated above in my second post I am extremely busy with my personal life im not 16-17-18 years of age im an adult I have more important things to do then to quiet frankly entertain you.
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👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Next post that has nothing to do with the release gets warned and a thread ban. Keep it on topic, and keer your drama out of this section.


Mar 31, 2018
oof. hi der i saw my name in the ss can i be kept out of this pls <3

edit: i will look into getting a working db/swf soon when im bored ill work on it probs


Jan 6, 2019
Nothing special, thanks for the release anyways though. You could just take the code from BIOS Emulator and put it into your own Plus Emulator edit. It's around four files, then just take the tables from the bios database sql and put it into your database, then check for any MySQL errors. If anyone reading this wants crackables without having to use this specific emulator and wait for a database, just use BIOS.


May 18, 2016
I don't get why you're all arguing over literally nothing.

Nothing special, thanks for the release anyways though. You could just take the code from BIOS Emulator and put it into your own Plus Emulator edit. It's around four files, then just take the tables from the bios database sql and put it into your database, then check for any MySQL errors. If anyone reading this wants crackables without having to use this specific emulator and wait for a database, just use BIOS.
Honestly the best way is to make it yourself because those Emulators are probably doing database queries directly when you click the item. Which is a big no no.


May 18, 2020
I didn’t outline this but I’ll attempt to I didn’t know where the original code came from as I hop in and out of the retro scene due to personal reasons eg work and family matters.

genuinely found it on my laptop after 2-3 months of having it that’s why I don’t know where the original code is from.

the original plan was to add a new system for the way the random reward was generated didn’t give it much thought but have a few ideas may continue with this emu or may not I don’t know as I don’t have much time. If I had known the amount of carnage this would have made I genuinely would have not released it.

Update: was told that the emu has sockets and no config.ini inside the folder have sorted this issue and managed to get it to boot will post the updated version later on when I’m home I believe I have a working db but need to go over the last few parts aswell as a working production pack will update the thread again when I can post it.

also credit to the person that’s allowed me to use there vps as my laptops a genuine piece of shit so setting up a retro is yh time consuming and just outright aids.


May 28, 2020
I’ll release an updated version, working database, and all of the swfs as Flash is dying. The emulator includes PRODUCTION-2017, group forums, scoreboard wired fix, polls fix, purchasable name prefix, name emoji, name color, prefix color, @ usernames and it’ll come up with a bubble alert they can click to follow you. And working crackables for most items up to Halloween 2020. I’ve added a lot more features than that. Will be making a new thread for this release.
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