can you give me an example? i'm still learning this kinda things. Thanks.You don't replace it, you simply add a new entry for the item inside of it.
Examining the file contentd itself it's pretty easy to see how it's done just look at examples of other furni and copy it for your new one
"id": 70892949,
"classname": "easter_c25_blueprint1",
"revision": 59005,
"category": "unknown",
"defaultdir": 0,
"xdim": 1,
"ydim": 1,
"partcolors": {
"color": []
"name": "easter_c25_blueprint1",
"description": "",
"adurl": "",
"offerid": 70892949,
"buyout": false,
"rentofferid": -1,
"rentbuyout": false,
"bc": false,
"excludeddynamic": false,
"customparams": "",
"specialtype": 0,
"canstandon": false,
"cansiton": false,
"canlayon": false,
"furniline": "",
"environment": "",
"rare": false
nope i'm working with a butterfly emulator r96a (old crypto) and the furnidata.txt has this type of codesYou dont need to do ProductData at all
Just do FurnitureData
Assuming ur working with Nitro, heres an example of a furni below in your FurnitureData.json
Its basically the same idea for flash, just the FurniData.xml is formatted differently than your json
Just create a new entry, give it its own unique ID,.
For classname youll put the file name (without the extension), in this case easter_c25_blueprint1.nitro is put under classname as easter_c25_blueprint1
Then you need to add it in catalog_items and items_base (assuming ur using arcturus, find equivalent database tables for other emulator if not) using the same unique id you used in your furni data, keeping item_name in items_base as the file name, in this example: easter_c25_blueprint1
Its really a case of looking at an example of an existing furniture, to understand how to add another,its quite simple if you step back and take the time to actually examine how things work
Code:{ "id": 70892949, "classname": "easter_c25_blueprint1", "revision": 59005, "category": "unknown", "defaultdir": 0, "xdim": 1, "ydim": 1, "partcolors": { "color": [] }, "name": "easter_c25_blueprint1", "description": "", "adurl": "", "offerid": 70892949, "buyout": false, "rentofferid": -1, "rentbuyout": false, "bc": false, "excludeddynamic": false, "customparams": "", "specialtype": 0, "canstandon": false, "cansiton": false, "canlayon": false, "furniline": "", "environment": "", "rare": false },
Well its the exact same idea thoughnope i'm working with a butterfly emulator r96a (old crypto) and the furnidata.txt has this type of codes
["s","35012813","attic15_cabinet","35012813","0","1","1","","Kast op zolder",","Deze kast staat al veel te lang op zolder..."-1"],
ok i got it. But now i have another problem i guess... the swfs of the furni are not compatible with my swf i think they has to be zoomout just like the oldest versions. Is there a way to get them?Well its the exact same idea though
35012813 appears to be the unique ID and attic15_cabinet is the furni name
Kast op zolder is the name and Deze kast staat al veel te lang op zolder... is the description you see when you click on it in a room
So do as i suggested above, add a new entry for it using this format you have, then change the files name and unique id's
then do your catalog and item table entries, im sure butterfly has those, not sure what they named them
I download and installed a new crypto hotel with morningstar and braincms but i have a question. How do i change the language of the client? because all things are in spanish. which file do i need to edit?Uhh the only way really is to re-create it yourself i'd imagine- i believe has an option for R63A Hotel Furni in your user settings, but I am unsure if it does what you are trying to accomplish- never used it myself before.
Not really my area of expertise though, I quit the retro scene during that era and was gone for awhileglad I was able to help with the adding furni part anyway
Ok perfect it worked. Do you know where i can change the amount of credits of each users registered? Because it sets 1 for everyone. Which database's table do i need to edit?You need to find an English ExternalTexts and UI Texts and replace it
Providing you are on Nitro and not Flash, heres an English one:
You must be registered for see linksYou must be registered for see links
Simply just replace your old JSON's, purge Cloudflare and your own cache, and reload.
Do you know how I can remove page ids from catalog? See the imageYou need to find an English ExternalTexts and UI Texts and replace it
Providing you are on Nitro and not Flash, heres an English one:
You must be registered for see linksYou must be registered for see links
Simply just replace your old JSON's, purge Cloudflare and your own cache, and reload.