Flash Touch Hotel ~ Hiring ~ Re-opened

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Posting Freak
Jan 27, 2013

Touch Hotel Returns!

Welcome back!
It's been 5 years since the opening of Touch Hotel which saw over 800 members register and had a humble and stable community. The decision to close was not an easy one but the hotel as it was needed a lot of work, it was very insecure and not very stable.
NOW we bring back Touch Hotel updated, secure and with a whole lot of Knowledge!​

Why did we choose to bring back Touch Hotel?
Good question! The decision was actually inspired by a friend of mine named Alex who wanted to re-create a hotel. I was originally going to pass all the old Touch Hotel files to him and he was going to start from scratch. I got quite hooked on updating the old website that I thought it would be a great idea to challenge myself and start from scratch.​

Here we are, new website (trying to replicate the "old" look with a new feel). The old Touch Hotel will be remembered and eventually may be open for people to view as an add-on to the website.

All the best to returning users (or new) and hope everyone enjoys their stay!

We are currently looking to hire individuals who will be online regularly, have prior experience & a passion for helping others. It's quite obvious that you would need to know a lot about the game beforehand.

Just a few Features:
Updated Catalogue & Furni
Custom / Updated Clothes
New/Custom Badges
Custom Unique CMS
Full Screen Functionality
Diamond Exchange
Stars System
Custom Pets
Updated Organised Catalogue
Much more to discover...​

Full Album:

Loading Screen Page:

Me Page:

News Page:

Online Users:

Profile Page:

Staff Page:
Home Room:

Catalogue Front Page:

Catalogue / Diamond Exchange:

Custom Pets (More coming soon):



Custom / Updated Clothing:

Updated Thread with Latest Screenshots.

  • - Staff Applications are now open, there is a news article regarding this & a link on the CMS
  • - Included Newest Features in screenshots & Thread features
Last edited:


i am dead
Jul 27, 2015
Good luck seems like it has a potential. However, I'm not a fan of the gfx in the header as it is blurry and looks like it has been stretched via MS Paint. The CMS looks nice and neat.

Many Regards,


Posting Freak
Jan 27, 2013
Good luck seems like it has a potential. However, I'm not a fan of the gfx in the header as it is blurry and looks like it has been stretched via MS Paint. The CMS looks nice and neat.

Many Regards,
Thanks for the feedback dude, I was debating whether or not i should change it, i thought so myself but I thought i'd take a risk and see if it was popular. Think i'll work on redesigning it with a much cleaner look.

Thanks, again.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Thanks for the feedback dude, I was debating whether or not i should change it, i thought so myself but I thought i'd take a risk and see if it was popular. Think i'll work on redesigning it with a much cleaner look.

Thanks, again.
  • Register page needs the bithday and gender removed
  • Either you're being booted currently or your server is just very slow. I suggest CentOS with NGINX to help keep it somewhat quick
  • The theme is very different, but I would suggest just changing the color scheme and possibly looking into different header ideas
  • Very happy that for once there's another hotel with the link to which makes the process 100x easier for people


Posting Freak
Jan 27, 2013
Thanks for the feedback,

Good point with the birthday, I will look at removing that. The gender I have for different preset clothing.

I'll be looking into changing the header to a much cleaner look. I understand that it looks stretched/scrunched up with different resolutions.

Yeah I think user-friendly features are a must, e.g the flash checker.

As for the speed... i'll do some investigating.

Again, thanks :)


i am a virgin
Apr 6, 2016
I had a little look earlier and I really do like the layout but would highly suggest you change the header because it seems so stretched - maybe have it with all your loyal community members in it?


May 15, 2014
Website is nice, i'd change the index and register. Website is sooo slow! I'd get a new welcome room cause it feels messy.

What's going to make the hotel different from the other 20+ hotels open right now?


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2012
I like the theme, it's something different and the colour scheme works. Though I'm not the biggest fan of the name, but that's just more or less just a word. Anyhow, good luck.


Posting Freak
Jan 27, 2013
Website is nice, i'd change the index and register. Website is sooo slow! I'd get a new welcome room cause it feels messy.

What's going to make the hotel different from the other 20+ hotels open right now?

Yeah website should be fine now, just moved to a different VPS & it's much faster.

Theres currently a homeroom competition where users can submit their own design. The current one was stuck together just so we had one lol. If you're interested, check out the news articles and there is a few instructions for the homeroom competition :) I'll look into making a custom index/register page to compliment the current theme of the cms

With regards to the difference between hotels now, I've been round a few in the build up to opening Touch & with them all being friendly and welcoming i've noticed a lack of user-friendly features & not being very organised with the CMS etc has seen to be a trend. My intentions aren't to 'slate' other hotels but I try to learn from others and differentiate with my own hotel to make it unique experience. - I'm always open to suggestions on improvements and tweaks.

Thanks for the feedback Cammy! :)

I like the theme, it's something different and the colour scheme works. Though I'm not the biggest fan of the name, but that's just more or less just a word. Anyhow, good luck.
Thanks, I've had a few people comment on the name... Mixed reviews so far but It's probably something i'll stick with as i'm not really a fan of 'hab(namehere)' or flabbo etc.

Thanks, again!


Oct 27, 2014
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Touch Hotel Returns!

Welcome back!
It's been 5 years since the opening of Touch Hotel which saw over 800 members register and had a humble and stable community. The decision to close was not an easy one but the hotel as it was needed a lot of work, it was very insecure and not very stable.
NOW we bring back Touch Hotel updated, secure and with a whole lot of Knowledge!​

Why did we choose to bring back Touch Hotel?
Good question! The decision was actually inspired by a friend of mine named Alex who wanted to re-create a hotel. I was originally going to pass all the old Touch Hotel files to him and he was going to start from scratch. I got quite hooked on updating the old website that I thought it would be a great idea to challenge myself and start from scratch.​

Here we are, new website (trying to replicate the "old" look with a new feel). The old Touch Hotel will be remembered and eventually may be open for people to view as an add-on to the website.

All the best to returning users (or new) and hope everyone enjoys their stay!

We are currently looking to hire individuals who will be online regularly, have prior experience & a passion for helping others. It's quite obvious that you would need to know a lot about the game beforehand.

Just a few Features:
Updated Catalogue & Furni - Future updates will be implemented
Newest Badges - Available through the catalogue
Profile page
Diamond Currency/Timer
Much more to discover...​

Me Page:
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Community Page:
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Profile Page:
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News Page:
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Rules Page:
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Experts Page:
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Home Room
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Catalogue Front Page
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Catalogue Furni Page
You must be registered for see images attach

Our aim is to replicate the fun users had 5 years ago with a newer & more secure environment.
Not bad judging by the screenshots.


Jan 16, 2018
Thanks dude, you should come check it out :)

Thanks :) Any improvements you think I could make?
The red buttons for Enter Hotel and Housekeeping look pretty bad since there is no other red on the page at all. I would suggest using a color that is more prominent on the page to make it flow together better. Looks overall great though, very different.


echo 'Web Developer';
Nov 29, 2016
Nice CMS concept, looks like you should create an index and register that corresponds with your loggged in pages, because that index has to go. I don't really like the color of the housekeeping buttons though, maybe change it to a blueish color. Also, that header is not that good, i'd suggest using it's normal sizing and using CSS, like background-size, to make it fit.


Posting Freak
Jan 27, 2013
Nice CMS concept, looks like you should create an index and register that corresponds with your loggged in pages, because that index has to go. I don't really like the color of the housekeeping buttons though, maybe change it to a blueish color. Also, that header is not that good, i'd suggest using it's normal sizing and using CSS, like background-size, to make it fit.
It's not a concept, very real :p

But yeah, the housekeeping button won't be seen by users so not too bothered about that one, I may change the red ones to purple though to match the others. I agree with the header, i'll be changing that, Think i'll pop the avatars on a seperate level to the background, will allow resizing to not look squashed.
As for the login page/register page. I think i'll rework these to fit in with the rest of the site.

Thanks for the feedback dude.

The red buttons for Enter Hotel and Housekeeping look pretty bad since there is no other red on the page at all. I would suggest using a color that is more prominent on the page to make it flow together better. Looks overall great though, very different.
Yeah I will change the red buttons to purple to match the others I think.

Thanks for the feedback :)


Jan 16, 2018
It's not a concept, very real :p

But yeah, the housekeeping button won't be seen by users so not too bothered about that one, I may change the red ones to purple though to match the others. I agree with the header, i'll be changing that, Think i'll pop the avatars on a seperate level to the background, will allow resizing to not look squashed.
As for the login page/register page. I think i'll rework these to fit in with the rest of the site.

Thanks for the feedback dude.

Yeah I will change the red buttons to purple to match the others I think.

Thanks for the feedback :)
Hey! No problem my friend ;3


Lord Farquaad
Apr 3, 2013
You should change the container boxes so it's not looking like the Habbo theme, the header is nice, but once you displayed the boxes and kept the Habbo layout, it threw it all off. But, good luck with the hotel lad, looks good.


Posting Freak
Jan 27, 2013
You should change the container boxes so it's not looking like the Habbo theme, the header is nice, but once you displayed the boxes and kept the Habbo layout, it threw it all off. But, good luck with the hotel lad, looks good.
Thanks dude, think i'm gonna take in a lot of the feedback from the CMS, may look a re-designing parts of it
Taken into account feedback given here and by users and i've made some changed to the hotel/CMS

The CMS now feels/looks much cleaner including the change of the index page.

I've now added the newest clothing and furniture and will work to keep this as up to date as possible!

Various commands, fixes, customs & other requested features have been added.

Looking for something new check in!

Our aim is to replicate the fun users had 5 years ago with a newer & more secure environment.
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