Unrightful ban?

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Feb 27, 2013
So.. that wasn't you, on my hotel, with your threats, which coincidentally got carried out today? What a crazy random chance of events, then. I pray to god that every day will surprise me, and today, my prayers actually got answered in the form of you, Filip. Thank you for brightening my day with your humour!
Hobba has a lot of affiliates? We've probably had over 20+ various staff on our team within the last month. I'm the owner, not a lackee, I maintain the staff team and that's it. I barely log in my own hotel and you think I went on yours? The last hotel I logged in was Zap after we got banned from Findretros.

Bro, I don't even use proxies when I log into hotels cause I cant be bothered.

As for these "ddosing" accusations. I think this answer from Findretros staff will suffice anyone who has a problem:



New Member
Nov 23, 2015
no i never ddosed your hotel i dont even know your ip




You have a right to play dumb. I guess if I were stupid enough to DDoS somebody, cheat votes, and get caught in the process I'd be playing dumb to get my account back too.
At the end of the day though, we all know what you are (a skid who spends money on dos tools) so that's a wrap for me, have a nice day.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2016



You have a right to play dumb. I guess if I were stupid enough to DDoS somebody, cheat votes, and get caught in the process I'd be playing dumb to get my account back to.
At the end of the day though, we all know what you are (a skid who spends money on dos tools) so that's a wrap for me, have a nice day.

And you think that is the real kingsamo? He's too busy with his life he won't even come on Hobba, but I guess someone fooled you pretty well, Sir Jonteh.
Feb 27, 2013



You have a right to play dumb. I guess if I were stupid enough to DDoS somebody, cheat votes, and get caught in the process I'd be playing dumb to get my account back too.
At the end of the day though, we all know what you are (a skid who spends money on dos tools) so that's a wrap for me, have a nice day.
That could be any Filip and Kingsamo....

Also you said "if I were stupid enough to DDoS somebody, cheat votes..." but that's an oxy moron. You would have to be smart to cheat votes because it's not possible to the extent that we're being accused of. A person would easily be paying hundreds of dollars to get those votes to go through in captchas and unique IPs alone.

All hotels get DDoS'd and attacked. We've worked for months on ours to fix it an yours suddenly comes around getting DDoS'd so you cry once? Our hotel has just been doing so well that we got banned from Findretros, nuff said.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2016
who cares, we'll be back next week and have the exactly same voting count without even cheating and we can make a new cool thread when you go butthurt again to make devbest lit.
Feb 27, 2013
who cares, we'll be back next week and have the exactly same voting count without even cheating and we can make a new cool thread to make devbest lit.
I say we make our own Findretros with strippers and snacks!


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
I'm going to end this. If any of you knows either Josh or Sledmore, you'd know you wouldn't be banned if you didn't actually break any rules. They don't abuse their power.

As for your argument of when Sledmore was last seen banning someone, you can't see it. We can. Sledmore is the only moderator, besides Josh (the owner), who can check for fraud votes. No, this doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

Besides that, we have an appeal system. Use it. You won't get unbanned because you open a public thread trying to pressure the FindRetros staff into being unbanned.

However I will make one thing clear, if you continue this thread your suspension will be longer than a week.

End of discussion.
Feb 27, 2013
I'm going to end this. If any of you knows either Josh or Sledmore, you'd know you wouldn't be banned if you didn't actually break any rules. They don't abuse their power.

As for your argument of when Sledmore was last seen banning someone, you can't see it. We can. Sledmore is the only moderator, besides Josh (the owner), who can check for fraud votes. No, this doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

Besides that, we have an appeal system. Use it. You won't get unbanned because you open a public thread trying to pressure the FindRetros staff into being unbanned.

However I will make one thing clear, if you continue this thread your suspension will be longer than a week.

End of discussion.
Hello Wess,

This discussion did take a turn for the worst in terms of trolls and sarcasm. I believe you're right and knowing how professional @Sledmore is, I highly doubt he banned us unfairly. I'd also like to think he wouldn't tarnish his outstanding reputation for something as childish as a retro feud. I'm sure there is a valid reason as to why we have had fraudulent votes for these few days even though logically it doesn't make sense for us to push them, somebody must have.

Perhaps if we weren't so childish with this appeal we could have resolved the problem. With that being said, there are serious flaws in the appeal section including the fact that I can't provide solid evidence as an upload and there is no solid evidence to appeal against. I would like to know how many fraudulent votes and from where? It's basically my word vs. Sledmore's and the equivalent would be unlawfully jailing someone and wondering why they act out when they try to break free. Right now I'm fighting an argument where I'm being told to provide evidence against what somebody said and even though I have, there are no efforts to resolve the issue. Findretros wants my account banned for 1 week, no discussion. No evidence.

Additionally, I've only ever owned and operated one habbo retro. During this time I've driven thousands upon thousands of hits to findretros under the same account without any issues. Now here we are today and I'm being reported for 4 consecutive days of fraudulent votes? Why didn't I get notice on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day? I refuse to take this kind of mistreatment from a service of which I have abided by the rules and offered more than a lot of these "here today and gone tomorrow" type retros. I'd literally quit habbo retros if I didn't have so much of my time dedicated towards them. As a rule abiding and formally outstanding owner and user of Findretros, I have been mistreated and acted upon unfairly and you ending this discussion without taken into account the seriousness of how it affects my hotel is irresponsible and is not how a moderator should act.



Edit: I've been waiting in this thread for you to reply. Not to talk to people who can't change what has happened. I believe that it has only just started.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
There's an appeal system for a reason. FindRetros moderators are the only ones who are able to reply to those appeals. You making this thread is asking for more trouble.

The end of discussion is in regard to this thread. As I've already said multiple times, this isn't the place to discuss your suspension. If you handled this in a proper manner over the appeal system, as you just did here, there might have been a different outcome.

EDIT: Please read your appeal. I've answered the matter. Don't follow up with any further discussion in this thread.
someone's up craig's ass very deep! yes i think so.

*coughs* jonty
One more addition, as you're a member of staff on Hobba, next time I see anything like this I'll permanently close the account. Sledmore has done more for the retro community than any other person. Here on DevBest, FindRetros and other platforms. I won't tolerate any disrespect towards him or any other member of the FindRetros Moderating team, and I will act on it.
Last edited:


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Didn't reply initially as I was waiting for more content to flow in. Quite disappointed to both of @Wess's decisions, I've re-instated Plexs' ban.

Oyea, FYI I didn't close this thread, someone else did.

Just a quick one before I get into the thread, your message on FindRetros reads "I wasn't aware staff who didn't perform the ban could appeal and thought Sledmore would ignore this like his private messages (no hard feelings)." LOL what?

I can't remember the full scenario, but you got 'hacked', I replied to the thread and offered to help you out. You PM'd me, I replied 2 days late, but sure I replied with "Sure nps, still having this issue?", you linked me to a thread and I resolved your issue with my first reply to the post. Hell, sure I'll ignore people who don't want to say hi etc, and just cut into 'help me now'. But that didn't happen to you.

someone's up craig's ass very deep! yes i think so.

*coughs* jonty

We barely ever talk. We only just recently re-added one another.

Meanwhile you have Zap and Peace sharing eachother's votes.

Link me to your report and I'll happily check it out. We, and myself include have suspended Peace multiple times. Jonteh had his listing suspended due to a banner in the past, this isn't a pick and choose operation.

-- This is the bit where DDoS was discussed, yes I checked the IP address given from Jonteh with @lulz IP on DevBest, yes it does match. DDoS all you like, it doesn't bother anyone. --

Banned by Sledmore is the suspicious part. If you think about the following questions you can self deduct that something is suspicious:
  1. Why was I banned by Sledmore?
  2. When is the last time Sledmore banned someone?
  3. Is this guy a dev or a moderator?
  4. How many people did he ban for fraudulent votes or was it only Hobba?
  5. Why on earth would a hotel fake votes for 4 days to gain 1 spot ON THE SAME PAGE?
  6. If a hotel DID know how to fake votes, why would they be below the spot above them by 10 - 20 average? 7 x 20 is only 140 fake votes...
  7. Why did I start using fraudulent votes after first page? Did I have my finger up my ass for the countless months I spend struggling on second page?
Mathematically and ethically there are issues here.

The truth is if I'm going to put countless hours and an inconsiderable amount of sacrifice into a project I would prefer someone didn't come around and shit on it just because they can.

1) Because I am a FindRetros moderator who has the ability to ban.
2) Last week, when I banned Plex for cheating votes.
3) Both, does it matter?
4) I'm pretty much the only guy who does it. I have access to see the IP addresses that vote for accounts.
5) This is just a stupid point from you. You know the answer to this, if someone went from #8 to #2 it'd be noticed.
6) Again, this is another stupid point - just iterating the above?
7) Again, this makes no sense. There are many answers.. A) Didn't know how, B) Didn't see a reason, C) Wasn't sure how or when to go about it

There was no reason to exaggerate with points 5-7, I've seen it all done before with vote boosting. No one will blatantly just push themselves to #1, #2 etc. So there is no point to even try and use that as a primary argument (referring to one spot budge).

Let's not forget about those feeder hotels I've seen peace open on the 4th and 5th pages. Oh wait, are those secret?

Anyways this post was a waste of time. I received more feedback from Findretros staff on my hotel private messages about this post than I have on these forums. The truth is that Findretros is rigged. If you're ever banned for fraudulent votes it's because you stepped on the toes of the habbotards.

Who watches the watchmen?

You say this, but Peace got suspended once this week already, and probably a couple more times this month alone...

Yup, rigged.

Been like this since thehabbos, never changes.

There was no moderation on TheHabbos, that was a one man army ran by @bigdawg - nothing to be expected there.

Sledmores alt account

Great, so you're a detective now. Try again.

Additionally, I've only ever owned and operated one habbo retro. During this time I've driven thousands upon thousands of hits to findretros under the same account without any issues. Now here we are today and I'm being reported for 4 consecutive days of fraudulent votes? Why didn't I get notice on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day? I refuse to take this kind of mistreatment from a service of which I have abided by the rules and offered more than a lot of these "here today and gone tomorrow" type retros. I'd literally quit habbo retros if I didn't have so much of my time dedicated towards them. As a rule abiding and formally outstanding owner and user of Findretros, I have been mistreated and acted upon unfairly and you ending this discussion without taken into account the seriousness of how it affects my hotel is irresponsible and is not how a moderator should act.

No mistreatment was given. I can view the voting logs of each site, I'd checked yours based on a report and came to a conclusion that it was ban worthy.
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