Front-End Developer
Since the new section finally got added, lets give others a brief insight into how you play your League of Legends by creating a basic profile.
Basically, fill out this template in the comments below:
Basically, fill out this template in the comments below:
Server Region:
Main Lane (e.g - top, bot, mid, jungle):
Main Champion (Who do you mainly play?):
Main Gamemode (ARAM, Normal 5v5, Ranked):
Ranked Status (if any):
Okay, so I'll start by filling mine in.
Username: Sysode
Server Region: EUW
Main Lane: Bot (normally as supp)
Main Champ: Blitz all the way
Gamemode: Prefer playing ARAM but normally play Normal 5v5
Rank Status: Unranked - level 26