xStefan's VPS Giveaway


Active Member
Dec 11, 2011
Being new to the devbest community, i wanna earn abit of respect.. So im deciding to give away 1 of the unused 3 vps's i own.. it has about 26/27 days left on it
Preloaded with IIS, NAVICAT PREMIUM, MYSQL & PHP (i set this up)


20GB DiskSpace

I want to help the people wanting to do things like cms developments or make a starter hotel.. heres what you got to do, simply reply to this thread, saying

Why you want the VPS:
How it would help the community:
Anything else:

Ill be picking who gets it in the next 24 hours so make ur reason valid & long.




Spin Hotel Will Be Up Really Soon!
Dec 10, 2011
Why you want the VPS: I Want The Vps , as I Want To Learn How To Make CMS'S And Would Like To Use The Vps
How it would help the community: By Hopefully Giving Them A New CMS
Anything else: Nah <3


New Member
Aug 24, 2011
Why you want the VPS: Because I am a kind of coder/developer and hotel owner.I would like to use the vps to test cms's emu's and things I code.I would also like to benefit my hotel users by giving them a vps link.
How it would help the community: Well they would get new cms's and possibly emu's and of course my hotel users will get a working hotel link.
Anything else:No


Living La Dolce Vita.
Apr 19, 2011
Hey xStefan, nice competition Idea. I may aswell send in why I want it, as I've always wanted to start up my very own Retro. ;)

Why you want the VPS: I would like the VPS so I could host my very own habbo retro online for a vast amount of time. Or So I could figure out a new CMS, or maybe an edit of a previous successful version. Another reason why I'd like a VPS is because I would like to become more popular in the 'Habbo world' as now I only seem like someone who plays them.

How it would help the community: This would help the community because I would bring out a new / edited CMS for all the users to try out. Also, because there would be a new retro up, so part of the users may join the habbo retro that I would make, this would help the community because users (mainly people that play retros) would be able to play a whole new hotel, and so they would not spend so much time being bored...

Anything else: Only one thing, I look forward to your Reply.



Active Member
Sep 2, 2011
lol everyones saying the same thing so. & nice competition
1) I want the vps for, Hmmm, exploring and increasing my knowledge about coding and ect. yano
2) Er, it'll help the community by giving out cms' & more packages of things the whole community can use ;/
3) anything else, Guess not just like to say nice competition and goodluck everyone xD! :p


o shi
Nov 15, 2011
Why I want the vps:
  • I dont need it but I wouldnt mind it to make templates and stuff to show to friends and work on where ever I go.
  • I await to see further comments and hope someone who deserves it like Pie or something gets it.


I rock :D
Dec 3, 2010
Why you want the VPS: I will use it for my newly created free hosting site (posting soon the prensentation here at devbest)
How it would help the community: I would give away gameservers and hosting accounts for people here at DevBest.
Anything else: If I get this server I will put you a link at my site. :)


May 26, 2010
Why you want the VPS:
I want the VPS so I could reopen my hotel (BobbaStreets). I've been working on it for awhile now on localhost, but now I think it's ready to be opened to the public.

How it would help the community:
I don't think it would really help the community :p
I guess give them a nice place to hangout and chat up with friends instead of spamming up the shoutbox.

Anything else:
This VPS would be a big help to me. Hopefully I get chosen ^^


Oct 22, 2011
Why you want the VPS: Development.
How it would help the community: I would release my projects to public, and make them open source.
Anything else: I've a hotel, but I don't want to mess around with that server, so I was going to buy a VPS for development anyway.


Posting Freak
Sep 15, 2011
Why you want the VPS: To re make a v26 retro to bring them back.
How it would help the community: It would bring back v26 hopefully, I am going to sell the price of vip cheap and make sure that the money isnt for personal use like 99% of other retros.
Anything else: No



Dec 25, 2010
Well.. Ive talked to Kryptos about revCMS and i hear its easy to make a Theme for it so i really want to put my work to the test and for me to do that is get another VPS right now my paypal is on lock for 21 days due to bank is charging back 10 usd for no reason.. and i need a VPS to use it won't be a live hotel either.. so you have no reason for it to get DDOSED or stolen from you the IP will only remain known to you and me and whoever you told about it.. i wouldnt use it to invest any money in it either as its free i wouldnt need any money from it. However if i do get to make this Theme for rev and its on your VPS you will be the first to ever see it and beable get a copy when its finally done. ~Kristopher

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