[WIP] MFP CMS V1.00 + Layouts

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Jul 21, 2010
Hey guys, so as some of you may know I've been working on a little project called MFP CMS, the purpose of the project is to learn PHP, the CMS is not totally made by me, I'm using codes from around the web and change them a little to satisfied the needs of the Website/CMS. It is also extremely easy to make your own CSS layout or just download any layout and put it with the CMS, if you know how to read it will be easy. It uses MySQL as a storage method and I consider the CMS itself noob-friendly.

What can we use this for?
R: Well, you have some options, you can make a fan site with it, make a news site of something you're passionate about or just a personal website.

Will it be free?
R: Of course it will.

What are the features?

  • An User system.
  • Register & Login.
  • News, add news, delete news and manage news.
  • News comments.
  • Search function for the news.
  • Layout made by myself.
  • Me.php
  • logout.php
  • Easy to change the text.

What's coming?
I don't really know what I really will want to add, this things may not come also, but I will do my best to add them.

  • News rating system
  • more layouts.
  • Layout chooser. (To choose the layout you wanna look at)
  • Probably a new register + login.php since currently it doesn't use a password encrypter.

Pfft, screens? I'll give you something better than that, a live DEMO!

Feedback is appreciated!

Thanks - Kryptos


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
Eh, the template is quite nasty, registration doesn't work, content doesn't always appear with the template, etc.. Lots to work on.


Jul 21, 2010
Indeed, lots of stuff to work on. You can now register, it wasn't inserting the password /facepalm, I'll work on another template when I have more time, in the mean time, I'll add one HabboEmotion template :p and I'm still adding the template to some pages, I'll add it the pages I'm missing now. :p

Thanks for the feedback.


Still alive
May 27, 2010
I like it obviously the PHP coding isn't great but like you said your using this as a learning aspect and hopefully it will improve your coding.
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