Windows 8!

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👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Already have it?

( )

I'm downloading it right now.


Whats your opinion?


Posting Freak
Feb 15, 2012
There's a developers preview for all you who want, ask .

1 hour+ download time btw.


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
I think that Microsoft got scared about tablets, and decided that the only thing people will buy is their Windows OS. Therefore they crammed a tablet interface into a desktop OS, in hopes of marketing the OS on tablets as well, considering their Windows Phone OS was a complete and utter fail.

Personally, I think Microsoft should focus on the following things if they want to survive (at least on the desktop):
  • Security
  • Settings (all in one place, not scattered all over)
  • UI (multiple windows or spaces, rather than just one)


Jun 4, 2010
I've got the Developer Preview and Consumer preview on my computer. They're not terrible, they're not amazing though.

Article I wrote on Windows 8 Developer Preview:

Hayden said:
As you are probably more than aware the Windows 8 developer preview has been out for a good while now. I still feel that I have the need to do a review on it. I will also add a link to the bottom of this review to a tutorial on how to set it up yourself if you wish to try it out.
There are many great features as well as a few not so great features. Between Windows Vista and Windows 7 there wasn’t that many changes. There are tonnes of differences between Windows 7 and Windows 8. With Windows 8 the main change that a lot of people do not like is the new start menu:

The main reason I don’t think people like it is because they don’t like change. After exploring around the system for a couple of hours or so you really get a feel for what a great idea it is. Look familiar? I would expect so because it looks exactly like the Windows phone menu. The new Windows 8 comes with integrated apps on the start menu. You can access twitter via the application “tweet@rama” this is great feature for Windows to implement.

You can also now listen to podcasts through applications. As well as the default applications that have been added there is an application store where you can download applications. I must admit when I first downloaded this and tried to run an application I was very disappointed because I thought they didn’t work. I soon realised that this was because my screen resolution on my VisualBox program was not set correctly. After changing it to the correct resolution it worked.
Microsoft have really pushed out the boat with this one because they have created a new version of Internet Explorer. It is a very simple version and on my computer it was running extremely fast. The address bar and all of the buttons are at the bottom of the program opposed to at the top.

If you are a big fan of traditional Windows with the desktop screen, with the start menu at the bottom you won’t be disappointed. They have implemented this, however when you turn on the computer the start menu shows up and then you have to click the button “Desktop” and then you will be taken to your desktop.

This how the system is different. You are automatically taken to your start menu which is essentially a whole page. You then can click desktop or any of your applications. The system is much easier to use and much easier to install. Obviously other things we need to bare in mind is the fact that this is the Developers preview and that the actual edition will still be improved so that the system is the best of its ability. I wouldn’t expect this system to be out this year. I would expect this to be released between June and November next year this is just my prediction for what I have seen so far. I may be completely wrong or my prediction may change depending on how well the developing continues or if they hit any major problems. The start up for this system also implements the MSN and Xbox live emails to make the installation even easier, you just simply login to your email and it will connect to your account and grab your information that you have previously entered for your email.

Overall I think this is a great system so far and I’m looking forward to further developments.
I would rate the Windows 8 Developer Preview: 8/10

Also here is a quick image consumer edition. On the installation it was different to the Developer preview due to new additions of a Fish. Presuming it's something Windows plan to add to all new additions. Anyway, the desktop on the consumer edition and the start up images both include fish.




Living the sexy title
Oct 2, 2011
I was going to ask the same question.

Is it any good. I wanted to test it out but I was scared that I wouldn't be able to get my Windows 7 back.

Is it worth it? Do most programs work on it? Like Google Chrome. Remote Desktop. Flash Player? etc


Jun 4, 2010
Google Chrome works on it. The way that I set it up I didn't overwrite my Windows 7. I had Windows 8 running at the same time on the same system.


Living the sexy title
Oct 2, 2011
Google Chrome works on it. The way that I set it up I didn't overwrite my Windows 7. I had Windows 8 running at the same time on the same system.
How would you do that? Switch between them both


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
You can just download a .exe file from the Microsoft website. Its really easy to follow. Just read the pages. Everything works on Windows 8 for me so far. But remember: it is a PREVIEW, not the final version.


Living the sexy title
Oct 2, 2011
i downloaded it last night and it is a bag of sh*t. My mouse wouldn't show so I had no idea where I was clicking.

Wrote this via my WINDOWS 7 Laptop


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I was going to ask the same question.

Is it any good. I wanted to test it out but I was scared that I wouldn't be able to get my Windows 7 back.

Is it worth it? Do most programs work on it? Like Google Chrome. Remote Desktop. Flash Player? etc


Join The Revolution
Mar 11, 2012
It looks complicated , Windows 7 is simple easy to use what on earth was going through there minds to make Windows 8 like this , thank god it is a Preview because I hope they change this shit and fix up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
, does the mouse appears for laptops/desktops?


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
I installed it on 2 laptops, both work fine. You only needs to get used to it. But I don't advise you to use it on your primary laptop/PC.
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