Make sure your cms isn't able to be sql injected. Also try and hide your ip as much as you possibly can since this is the main thing hackers need to effect your site.Hi!
I just created my Habbo Retro! But, I know that there are alot of hackers outside.
With what things I should be careful? DDos-Attacks etc.
Okay, is HabboPHP a good CMS?Make sure your cms isn't able to be sql injected. Also try and hide your ip as much as you possibly can since this is the main thing hackers need to effect your site.
HabboPHP has a lot of exploits, unless you have patched them up I'd suggest you to start off with something like RevCMS habbo theme and heavily editing it and making sure it is completely secure.Okay, is HabboPHP a good CMS?
And I use and I've hide my IP in the config files, swfs setup etc.
HabboPHP has a lot of exploits, unless you have patched them up I'd suggest you to start off with something like RevCMS habbo theme and heavily editing it and making sure it is completely secure.
No-ip aren't really the best domain service in the world, after you have a bit of money I'd suggest for you to buy your own domain and hide the ip as much as possible. Also, make sure you hide your ip in the habbo.swf since that is one easy way for hackers to get your ip address.
This should help:Okay! I will download RevCms Habbo Theme and how to I hide my ip in the habbo.swf