We got "Sinterklaas" here in Holland, the origin of freakin' Santa Claus. However, I'm saving up for something I don't know yet. So I probs just get some extra $$$.
I read that as "Stinker Klaas", oopsie.
Ah cool cool I guess people on here are getting a bit old to be getting lots of presents on Christmas, although I'm 18 and my Mum still comes into my room on Christmas Eve and puts things in my stocking hahahahahahahahahaha. Just little things like a DVD or a game, then oranges, Celebrations chocolates, maybe another little present haha.
And Sledmore, I saw that cheeky little "Satan (My Mum)." Was that or wasn't it a mistake hahahahahaha?
Mistake xD, change it now. And yeah well when you get to 17/18 you do not really want nothing, but a bit of cash to save is always nice .
you don't have all you want, you don't have me.I told my parents not to get me much. I got all I want really. Probably getting some speakers for my room since mine magically stopped working after warranty had run out D:<