[V15] WedCMS - Oldschool CMS + DCR (Kepler, NodeJS, Express, HBS, React)


Mar 4, 2021
In 2013, and for 2 years, i worked on a v18 CMS project.
It never really worked out cause of structure (no MVC, no OOP..).
Today is another day, i study in IT to be conceptor/developer of applications.
Not long ago I found the Kepler server on github and was surprised to finally see a full oldschool server, with features that no emulator has never reached.
So I decided to take WedCMS, from the beginning, cleanly, and create the best combo v15 Emulator - CMS.

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WedCMS will therefore run in V15 (Soundmachine, Jukebox, Snowstorm, Camera, Battleball, Teleporters…), because it is the most stable version.
I will make sure to complete the DCR v15 as much as possible, by adding all the official furni possible (that are not in v15).
I will also create hotel views to add them to DCRs.
The texts in English and French will be 100% complete (no furni_hcc_table_name,… in the client).
And the CMS will use all the features offered by Kepler.


The CMS will work with NodeJS and Express.
For the user side, Handlebars as a template engine.
And for the housekeeping everything will be in React, with an API to perform live actions.


SSO Login [100%]

The user connects to the CMS only once then the client automatically connects to the account without having to enter his login details each time.

HabboImager [65%]

It allows to display the Habbo on the CMS. I recreated a HabboImager from scratch,
taking screenshots of each item of clothing, each hairstyle… It only allows to display a Habbo,
without action, left side or right side. The other features of the HabboImager will not be reproduced (bow, dance, face and back orientation, etc.).

Rare page [100%]

The server's rare page can be configured, and allows you to display the rare on the home page.
There is already a rare system with Kepler, which is automatic, but gave me some problems ...
The rare page will therefore be managed by WedCMS, from housekeeping (which is not possible with Kepler's rare page).

Voucher codes [5%]

Allows you to enter a code from the CMS, and is instantly loaded into the game, without relaunching the game, thanks to RCON communication.

User settings [0%]​

From the CMS, the user can change their avatar, motto, password and email.
Kepler does not save emails, so I added a table that saves emails during registration from the CMS (in order to be able to do password recovery).

Housekeeping [0%]​

  • Live hotel alert (thanks to the RCON connection)
  • Kepler server settings
  • Language change (client + CMS)
  • Catalog management (page addition, deletion, modification)

CMS Register [70%]

A user can create an account on the CMS without having to open the client.

Logo Generator [100%]

The Habbo logo is dynamically generated, you just need to change the name of the hotel in the housekeeping for the logo to automatically change (the old and the new fonts are available).

Homepages [10%]

On the client, a user can click on a Habbo, then on the 'Home page' button, which will redirect him to his homepage. The homepages will not be editable for the moment, they might be later.

Live HC subscribing [5%]

Allows you to subscribe to the Habbo Club from the CMS, and is instantly loaded into the game, without relaunching the game, thanks to RCON communication.

Room Forwarding [100%]

Links present on the CMS can redirect a user directly to a room.
Thanks to the SSO connection, there is no need to enter your connection information again.

CMS Shop [0%]​

Users will have access to a store on the CMS which allows the purchase of credits or furnis with real money or credits. This shop will be configurable from housekeeping.

Hotel view changing [75%]

Each user can individually change his view of the hotel, among all the official views and those that I have added.

Easy to translate [10%]

3 files are present for each language. Example for French:
  • 1 "cms_fr.json" file: Contains all the CMS texts in French
  • 1 "kepler_fr.json" file: Contains all the texts of the Kepler database in French
  • 1 "external_texts_fr.txt" file: Contains all the client's texts in French
The same files are present in English and any other language can be added.

Little features showcase​


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NodeJS external texts translator​

First for my personal use, i created a tool that takes for exemple french external_texts.txt and us external_texts.txt.
The tool compares the two files to translate all the variables in the us file, and output a french external_texts.txt.
Why ? Because i want to make sure that all variables are translated, if the tool don't find translated texts, the variables are moved to the bottom of the output file (same for empty vars).
With that tool, i automatically translate external_texts for v15, and just have to translate the vars left.
Il'l share the tool when i'll release WedCMS.
I am open to all proposals for other features, suggestions or other.
Thanks for reading.
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Mar 4, 2021
The frontoffice is 98% finished.
In fact, all the front office is finished, i just have to clean up the code, and add translate possibility.

New features that i finished :
Figure changer (only men)

Live HC Subscribing

Voucher codes

Paypal credits payment

Homepage rare buying

Homepage (cannot edit but fully functionnal)
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Features purcentages​

SSO Login [100%]

HabboImager [65%]

Rare page [100%]

Voucher codes [100%]

User settings [95%]

Housekeeping [0%]​

Easy to translate [10%]

CMS Register [100%]

Logo Generator [100%]

Homepages [95%]

Live HC subscribing [100%]

Room Forwarding [100%]


Hotel view changing [75%]

Shop has been removed beacause the catalog will be editable in the houseekeping, and in the shop it should be some furnis to buy.
So why to do a shop if there is already catalogue ?
looks good hoop this will get developed 100%

Thanks you, yes i will do it ;)
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New Member
Jun 9, 2020
Nice relase, i want to try traduct this cms on spanish!!!, I have a external texts and blablabla, good, I can't wait to try it🤩


Mar 4, 2021
Nice relase, i want to try traduct this cms on spanish!!!, I have a external texts and blablabla, good, I can't wait to try it🤩
Thanks you ! It will be easy to trad as the language file is in JSON like here:
"pages": {
      "login": {
        "tabTitle": "Connexion",
        "registerTitle": "Nouveau venu? Inscris-toi ici!",
        "registerFirstSectionTitle": "Enregistre-toi maintenant!",
        "registerFirstSectionContent": "Habbo est une communauté virtuelle où tu peux rencontrer tous tes amis et t'en faire de nouveaux. L'hôtel compte déjà des milliers de membres. Alors... Pourquoi pas toi ?",
        "registerDateOfBirthTitle": "Merci d'indiquer ta date de naissance",
        "registerSubmit": "Poursuivre l'inscription",
        "registerSecondSectionTitle": "LES RAISONS DE S'ENREGISTRER",
        "registerListFirstElement": "Créer ton personnage Habbo et ta Homepage",
        "registerListSecondElement": "Rencontrer tous tes amis et t'en faire de nouveaux",
        "registerListThirdElement": "Décorer ton appart",
        "registerListFourthElement": "C'est mieux que de ne pas s'enregistrer!",
This is the work i'm doing right now, it's so long lol

WOW it will be free? i love this proyect good luck!
Yes it will be free ! Thanks you mate


Finished Habbo Imager

The Habbo Imager was a lot of work, thousands of screenshots, and hundreds sprites positioning...
But now fully works, i'm so happy

Hotel View Changing

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Front side is now 100% finished.
I have to work on housekeeping now, think to features etc...
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Legacy, it's all anyone leaves behind.
Jun 8, 2012
Oh man, I miss the old school days, brings a lot of memories. Neat Release


Mar 4, 2021
Oh man, I miss the old school days, brings a lot of memories. Neat Release
Yeah gives a lot to me too while coding this lol, thanks.

For ones who like to see some code there are the gitlab repositories :

Valen001 helped me out to compil the 1.33 version of Kepler so it will be available.

A little preview of the back office :
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New Member
Jun 30, 2021
Wow, that's a real nostalgia kick. Those were good times. I still remember when it came out back then and homes were introduced with it. I put so much talers into this shit and years later Sulake simply removed it completely. Yeah. Really good times. I'm really looking forward to it


Mar 4, 2021
Hi everyone, i wasn't able to continue the project due to my final school exam.
I passed it now, so i'm gonna work on it again !

New updates are coming, i just have to take a look again at the code and continue what i was doing.

Thanks for all the messages !

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