UberCMS v1.xx

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Posting Freak
Jul 15, 2011
Hi guys!

As you may or may not know, I love UberCMS and have a passion for creating add-ons/edits for UberCMS. So this is where UberCMS v1.xx is born.

UberCMS in general:

UberCMS was created by Meth0d and was finished to a high standard and room for edits by other members of the retro community. He released UberCMS with the basics of a Habbo related CMS should contain. (Index, register, me etc). So this left a gap for improvements.

What makes this edit different to others?

You. I know I am the developer of the CMS, but I'll add everything you need into/on the CMS to make it usable for you. As you all know, UberCMS 2 was released by Jonty but lately nothing has been happening with it and it wasn't finished to the best standard. I'll be continually editing the CMS throughout the Christmas break (Seeming as I'm off school) to give you the best updates I can.

Current Features:

This are features added after the first release. So this will not contain any of "back-end features" of UberCMS, just the features I have added since the last release.
  • Added User of the Week (UOTW) in the generic-column3.tpl. This is shown below;

  • Added a "Trusted Dealers" page. This page shows all whom are trusted in the community using ranks. (Rank 3 is the default one for this). This is to help prevent scammers. (Screenshot below).
  • Added an option to have the new /me page or the old one. I've had some people say they prefer the old one, and some whom prefer the newer one, so I thought to myself, why not add both? (Both screenshotted below)
  • Old me;
  • New me;
  • The new radio box has been added on the /me page, not quite done seeming as I haven't added the basic source code for the radio.

  • News comments have been added. This way people can give feedback on the news with their own comments. (This is not finished)

News Comments:
<div class="habblet-container ">
  <div class="cbb clearfix notitle ">
    <div id="article-wrapper"><h2>Comments (<?php echo mysql_num_rows($getComments); ?>)</h2>
      <div class="article-meta"></div>
      <div class="article-body">
        if(mysql_num_rows($getComments) == 0){
          echo 'No comments yet, could yours be the first?';
          echo '<table width="528px">';
          while($Comments = mysql_fetch_array($getComments)){
          $getUserInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '".$Comments['userid']."'");
          $userInfo = mysql_fetch_array($getUserInfo);
                  echo '
                    <td width="90px" valign="top">
                      <div style="float:left"><img src="http://www.habbo.fr/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure='.$userInfo['look'].'&size=b&direction=2&head_direction=3&gesture=sml&size=s"></div>
                      if($userInfo['rank'] > 8){
                        echo '<div style="position: absolute; z-index:1"><img
                echo '
                    <td width="427px" valign="top">
                      <strong>RE: %news_article_title%</strong><br /><br />'.$Comments['comment'].'
                    <td width="90px" valign="top">
            <td width="427px" align="right">
              <i>Posted by: <strong><a href="#">'.$userInfo['username'].'</a></strong>  On '.$Comments
['posted_on'].'</i><br /><br />
          echo '</table>';
User of the Week:
<div id="column3" class="column">
    <div class="cbb clearfix red ">
<h2 class="title">UOTW!</h2>
$getTopStats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'Maelfic' ORDER BY credits DESC LIMIT 1");
while($topSpats = mysql_fetch_array($getTopStats)){
echo '<tr><td width="1px"> </td>
            <td width="0px">';
  echo '<img src="http://www.habbo.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure=' . $topSpats['look'] . '&size=lrg&direction=2&head_direction=2&gesture=sml&size=m" align="left"></td> <td width="15px"><a href="#"><b>'.$topSpats['username'].'</b></a><br />'.$topSpats['motto'].'</b>';
echo '</td>

Finished/not finished/not started:

Red - Not started.
Amber - Started but not finished.
Green - Finished.

Index - Planning on coding a new one.
Register - Thinking about doing a quickregister.
Old me - Just wanting to add some new features. (Poll maybe).
New me - Want to add some more boxes. (Radio etc)
Account Settings - Haven't started.
Community - Overall stats of hotel needs to be added.
Articles - Need to fix up the news_comments.
Staff - Finished.
Trusted Dealers - Finished.
VIP (main page) - Finished.
Pop-up boxes for PayPal and Mobile - Need to finish the coding of them.
Request VIP - Finished.
Housekeeping - Very little started.

More pages will be added in future releases.

Well, that is all. If you have any suggestions or thoughts on what could be added/removed/edited, please, go ahead and comment!



Posting Freak
Jul 15, 2011
Looks good. I'm looking forward to the development of it.
Thanks. v1.01 is now released, you should check it out. :) 
Sorry for the major slow development over the Christmas period. I went up north to see Family and as bought a new laptop therefore transferring my old files across! Sorry.


Posting Freak
Jul 15, 2011
Would it be possible to have a web catalog?
A web catalogue would be immensely hard to do. Currently, I'm over viewing all the code on site to see if there's any code which isn't needed to speed the CMS up.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
A web catalogue would be immensely hard to do. Currently, I'm over viewing all the code on site to see if there's any code which isn't needed to speed the CMS up.
Maybe you could intergrate 's catalogue constructor V3?


Jan 26, 2013
Looking good Jamie! Would love to see you using uber 2 and getting homes 100% in the next few versions, keep it up though!


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Thread closed due to no recent updates. - Contact me in a private message or on my wall for the thread to be reopened. 
Thread re-opened on request.


Posting Freak
Jul 15, 2011
Hi guys!

Sorry for the immensely slow updates causing the thread to be locked. I had alot of things going on within in real life so I had to put the development on hold. Within the next time span, I shall be doing the updates needed.

My plans for the next few days;
  • Add a new feature developed by Liam (from a rival forum) which allows when a users motto is 'example' the avatar on the /me page will change.
  • Add some new features within /manage/. (Housekeeping/ASE)
  • Fix the password changer.
  • Use cranavvo's badgeshop as a base to code a few more features into the badgeshop.
  • Complete a news comment spam system.
  • Add the new Habbo index. (Not the register)
If you want anything else, just say. There's no point me 'making it compatible with BcStorm' - just because there's an UberDB released out there that'll work with the CMS.


Posting Freak
Jul 15, 2011
Edit: I have now completed the index for now. It's the new Habbo index with working login and so on, just the register button goes to /register so not the new register. Screenshot below;



the names ethan
Nov 4, 2012
I love to see things like this :)
I love to see the exploits removed, Shmexi addons and everything!
You sir get a 9.9 / 10 the 0.1 is if you release it! :)


thinking about you. yes you
Dec 11, 2011
Thread closed due to lack of updates - If you wish to continue the development (and for the thread to be re-opened) please contact me with the update you've made.
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