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Aug 8, 2012
How to Change your hotel Logo
Hello and this is my 3rd tut so far, hope you enjoy it since it's easy.

Step 1. Get a logo, either make one or generate one. I get generate ones. Link:

Step 2. If you are doing the Generated one, pick your font and your hotel name then click generate.

Step 3. Go to your layout file in your htdocs, C:\xampp\htdocs\app\tpl\skins\
then pick your layout you are using and then "images". Find the current one you are using, (the current logo). And copy its name of the picture.

Step 4. Go back to the logo you made then save it (if you are on the generated one, right click it then save). With the current logo name while you are saving and over-write the current one.

Step 5. Reload your hotel and look at your hotel logo! You are done!

How to fix a register problem
If you registration fails and you see this:
Unknown column 'seckey' in 'field list'

Go to and go to your database,
Click on MYSQL and enter this code: ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `seckey` VARCHAR( 999 ) NOT NULL

Why cant I enter the hotel index?
If you type in localhost/index and see 2-3 words that say: "Revcms", Thumbs.db etc, spread your files, dont put the folders all in a folder.

How to change api.php to client
Go to your layout files, if you are using mango go to C:\xampp\htdocs\app\tpl\skins\Mango. Then go to the files that the enter client button (eg:me, staff, news, disconnected account, etc) are and click Ctrl H, Find api.php and replace all with client.

Thats all for now, comment if there are any problems with any of them. I will be posting more tuts soon!

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