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Dec 1, 2013
I've just seen this packet error on plus emu. What is the cause of it?
Error in packet [43] BODY: [0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0]<';UPDATE users SET motto = 'Test?' WHERE username = 'kieD';#[0][0][0][0]:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
  at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
  at Silverwave.HabboHotel.Groups.GroupManager.SerializeGroupMembers(ServerMessage Response, Group Group, UInt32 ReqType, GameClient Session, String SearchVal, Int32 Page) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Emulator [L]\Plus Emulator\HabboHotel\Groups\GroupManager.cs:line 184
  at Silverwave.Messages.GameClientMessageHandler.SerializeGroupMembers() in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Emulator [L]\Plus Emulator\Messages\Requests\Groups.cs:line 191
  at Silverwave.Messages.StaticMessageHandlers.SharedPacketLib.SerializeGroupMembers(GameClientMessageHandler handler) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Emulator [L]\Plus Emulator\Messages\StaticMessageHandlers\SharedPacketLib.cs:line 890
  at Silverwave.Messages.StaticMessageHandlers.StaticClientMessageHandler.HandlePacket(GameClientMessageHandler handler, ClientMessage message) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Emulator [L]\Plus Emulator\Messages\StaticMessageHandlers\StaticClientMessageHandler.cs:line 33
  at Silverwave.Messages.GameClientMessageHandler.HandleRequest(ClientMessage request) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Emulator [L]\Plus Emulator\Messages\GameClientMessageHander.cs:line 43
  at Silverwave.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.parser_onNewPacket(ClientMessage Message) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Emulator [L]\Plus Emulator\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 81

Thanks, for any help.


Kylie Jenner
Sep 25, 2013
Your mother hehehehe. Jk Its the motto. It says "
Error in packet [43] BODY: [0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0]<';UPDATE users SET motto = 'Test?'" I believe you might not beable to change mottos in game if that is the reason. You may need to change them on account settings then. :l


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
The exploit didn't work... Why don't you use the information you're provided to check the emulator before posting?

It's obvious, your logs tell you the issue. But nonetheless for a little tip use the event header provided there [43] and simply search for it in your Events.cs.

To get to the point, it's an index out of range exception. That's all I'll give you, not going to bother helping anyone else anymore, just gets thrown back in your face.

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