Hotel name Habmore
Tags Friendly ztaff , r6b hotel, GPS hosted, free VIP
Just a request could you make it summery and put ,`join` in the top left near the logo and then ` this summer bottom right of the logo.
Just a few little things that you could improve, maybe:
After you've added the transparent box on the bottom make sure you go over it in a new layer; so that the border is consistent and the box is not blocking any of it off.
Stick to either blocked text or Habbo Text Generating text for your images, otherwise the banner may not look Habbo related.
The white text on the bottom looks much better than the yellow, although it's overused.
I don't know whether it's due to the section you've screenshot'ed or not, but the bottom banner is missing half of it's border, and it seems thicker on one side.
Other than my little rant, your banners are very good. Nice work!
I'm not interested but I just figured that I could give you some constructive criticism
Oh.. and:
I noticed that you do not include "User(s) Online!" on your banners, which is quite a shame. Your banners are very good and I think that you have the capability to add a small box saying "User(s) Online!" and leaving a little space for the database holder to put it into place. It could potentially increase your audience as well.