The Controversial Practices of Habba Hotel (


Active Member
Sep 17, 2023
Yeah fair enough, I did boot Liam. No pw reset for my account, then was banned the instant I made another account. Nothing but just taking the piss when I was tryna get my account back. I was fkin salty, but don't misperceive it's not like I run around booting ever sod. Might be hard to take my word for it though and I don't blame yas. Don't play all innocent and "I can't reset the pw" Because even tho you might not have access to it you definitely could have helped. You've always been a bit of a dick mr liam, I literally dmed you saying hi when I came back to retros and you ignored it and proceeded to bash me/my hotel elsewhere on the forums.

The vote boosting was months ago when we had a large dip in traffic after the GSM community went back to GSM, it was only a few days before i realised it was pointless and I didn't have time to do it every day, yeah I shouldn't have done this, but I can provide proof that our website does get the daily votes we have been obtaining. We get between 1-2k uniques a day, around 8k a week
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The votes over the past few months were not boosted.

As for addbot, what bigger hotel doesn't have a bot feature 😭 It's the best way to populate an event room when the hotels a bit quiet, gets people to come to the room and play events.. Anybody who's been on habba for a while knows the bots fish mince geography and hearts.. It's nothing new or surprising.

I'm not even going to say much about the link to that other forum post, because the entire thing was bullshit and a large attempt to paint a picture about habba that just wasnt't true. In the comments I already explained what happened and don't need to do it again.

How come I've been permanently banned when other retros such as jordz' was suspended for two weeks? I don't advertise on other retros, you wouldn't see me on habhub advertising, I pull my traffic from paid ads on facebook and tiktok, have invested a significant amount of money to keep this community alive, and findretros significantly helps with that.
If you really don't have any hate towards me then let's end this beef right here, but that starts with you treating me the same as you would treat other people.

This is nothing more than an old owner trying to rip down the community she chose to leave. Apparently if she cant have it nobody can!

Please don't ruin what we've all built. Does this nonsense really warrant a permanent ban when I really haven't hurt or effected anybody? It wasn't like I booted you for months I sent one attack in a moment of rage from a free booter 😂 It literally worked for 5 minutes.. Try not to give me too much credit

Lifes busy for me, Habba has become something that keeps my household afloat.. it's not exactly just a game anymore, and it would be pretty damaging to loose over a post that has been written with great intent to wound me.
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Unfortunately I did use a free booter to send an attack, I'm not sure it did much but I did get pissed off and do it, not something I do tho. Believe me or don't
As for the second part, you hit the nail on the head. We won't just go on peoples accounts for no reason, if they need help with something or its older than 6 months we will recycle the rares for economy. It's been regularly posted that accounts older than 6 months are susceptible to loose their rares.

I won't mention names, but you know who on your "team" done what, it's them & you supporting their behaviours that has brought this to what it is today. You "let things slide" because you believe in second chances, is that true or is it just greed?

As little offence intended as possible, you should not rely on an online server to run a house, that's just not viable, it's actually insane that you believe Habba will keep a roof over your head, all while you're out here attacking competitors through a fit of rage.

I had my arguments on Habba, lost my temper with certain individuals, but let me tell you my temper and reaction was more than definitely well-founded. Shame you've shown your real colours as I didn't believe people at first, i thought they were degrading you out of spite.

I'm glad there's been some light put on this topic, you need to give that "team" you have so much faith in a check, cos' trust me I know from when I was on it, it's not as decorative as it's painted to be, arguing with eachother, backstabbing eachother, making inside jokes among their own cliques about personal problems and then accuse you of being "paranoid". Oh, by the way the member of staff who did make the joke admitted it when confronted.



Active Member
Sep 17, 2023
I don't care about pinching users lol, if users wanna follow they can. You can reply to me on a dev best post now because you reputation is being damaged but you didn't care about what you were doing directly to me and everyone else at the time did you? You decided to ban me and block me instead of discussing, dont turn this round on me I think you forget who carried your hotel for months on end while you made money off it.

I didn't post this, and if I did I would of added alot more.. fair play to whoever did post it though! It was only a matter of time until you were caught up on your unfair acts. People like you are what makes the retro community unfair. Its 2024 retros are DYING if your relying on an online game to hold up your gaff then maybe its time to consider a job...
I felt this deeply appropriate, so here:

Tiocfaidh ár lá



Sailing the seas of moldy cheese! :)
Nov 8, 2013
This is crazy behaviour. Any kind of botting is dishonest, and to me personally, if you're willing to bot, what else are you doing that you're hiding?

Why do retros need to feud with each other? Instead, spend your time creating new features that users may be interested in and focus on yourself instead of other hotels - out of jealousy. Why can retros not help each other and encourage each other? It would make a better environment.

DDoSing is immature and serves no purpose 'even if it was done because someones salty'.

TLDR: Grow up and help each other. Be mature.

(Not directed at any particular hotel. Just a general take that these silly games and arguments are immature and hotel owners should be the better person and be mature about disagreements)

Also, complaining because you're banned, I would say, achieves nothing. Unhappy with any one persons actions I would consider approaching their 'supervisor' and discussing not taking it out on people. Again my take and how I would approach things in the real world.
Best response! I miss the old days when hotel owners helped or assisted each other. The Blah Hotels, Habplus, etc. Even people like @Sledmore would redirect Boon's community to Hablush or Hive whenever they would be undergoing maintenance. But instead hotel owners visit FindRetros to see who is creeping up on them or coming for their "spot" and do sad shit like booting or DDoSing. The advertising is cool, cause every company does it. T-Mobile commericals speak on Verizon, and Gatorade & Powerade drinks speak on each other aswell. But they don't try bombing each other's headquarters 😂


Tongue Boxing Champion 2023
May 30, 2017
boi yoi yoinggggggg

best habbo retro development ive seen in years not gunna lie

how to set this up?

source code?

what's the decryption key for the files?

download link don't work reupload?
Last edited:


Active Member
Aug 14, 2011
boi yoi yoinggggggg

best habbo retro development ive seen in years not gunna lie

how to set this up?

source code?

what's the decryption key for the files?

download link don't work reupload?
Have you even downloaded xampp and hamachi to get started yet?


New Member
May 25, 2020
You were working with grae and geo and tom to pinch habbas staff and users... the shit talking on hotel, egging staff on to quit, and directly dming staff to poach is more than enough of a reason. Denying it is pointless because I saw you conversations with them, I know yall was all aware. I won't be arguing with you on here that's for sure.
There is a reason I blocked you on discord.
Nice one with this post, hope you feel accomplished. In the end it's not me you rdirectly hurting, it's the community on Habba and potentially my household.
Hello m8 geo here

nice to see you've tried to name and shame me for pinching staff and users.

1. Had one conversation w/ a member of your staff asking if she'd like to come over because she was literally crying for help due to the ill treatment she had received, as for the rest of the community keep um pal

2. L

All the best


Tongue Boxing Champion 2023
May 30, 2017
Hello m8 geo here

nice to see you've tried to name and shame me for pinching staff and users.

1. Had one conversation w/ a member of your staff asking if she'd like to come over because she was literally crying for help due to the ill treatment she had received, as for the rest of the community keep um pal

2. L

All the best
nice of you to drop in on the new habbo development

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