Staff Page Isn't Showing Staff


New Member
Dec 20, 2015
Okay so, I've set all of my ranks, attempted to change the rank ID in the staff.php, I don't know if there is a problem within my staff.php itself..

Can someone please help? Thank you in advance.



New Member
Dec 20, 2015
Hello Fairy,

Maybe you could send your staff.php and the ranks (with the rank ID's) here?
If not, and still want help, you can always PM me.




New Member
Dec 20, 2015
What is the rank that you added to the hotel that isnt showing up and can you post your staff.php below please
None of the ranks are showing up on the staff page.

<html xmlns=" ">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<meta name="description" content="Check into the world\'s largest virtual hotel for FREE! Meet and make friends, play games, chat with others, create your avatar, design rooms and more..." />
<meta name="keywords" content=" {Hotelname} hotel, virtual, world, social network, free, community, avatar, chat, online, teen, roleplaying, join, social, groups, forums, safe, play, games, online, friends, teens, rares, rare furni, collecting, create, collect, connect, furni, furniture, pets, room design, sharing, expression, badges, hangout, music, celebrity, celebrity visits, celebrities, mmo, mmorpg, massively multiplayer">

<title>{Hotelname} &raquo; Staff Team</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=" ">
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<div class="container">

<div class="header">
<a href="{url}"><div class="logo"><img src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/logo.png" class="animated tada" style="float: left; margin-top: 20px; padding-left: 10px;" /></div></a>

<div id="onlinestats">
<div style="float: left; margin-right: 5px; border-right: 2px solid rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.61); padding-right: 10px;">
<img src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/register.gif" style="float:left;margin-top: -1px;margin-right: 7px;"><b>{registered}</b> Users Registered

<div style="margin-left:5px;float:right;">
<img src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/online.gif" style="float:left;margin-top: -1px;margin-right: 7px;"><b>{online}</b> Users Online

</div> <div id="navigation">
<div class="center">
<a href="{url}/me"><div class="item">Homepage</div></a><a href="{url}/leaderboards"><div class="item">Community</div></a><a href="{url}/shop"><div class="item">Shop</div></a>
<div class="floatright">
<div id="online">
<a href="{url}/client" target="_blank"><div class="item">Enter {Hotelname}</div></a>

<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<div id="sub_navigation">
<span class="submenu" id="sub1" style="display: inline;">
<div class="item"><a href="{url}/leaderboards">Leaderboards</a></div><div class="item"><a href="{url}/news">Latest News</a></div><div class="item"><a href="{url}/staff">Staff Team</a></div><div class="item"><a href="{url}/events">Event Team</a></div><div class="item"><a href="{url}/rules">The {Hotelname} Way</a></div><div class="item"><a href="{url}/trusted">Trusted Dealers</a></div> </span>
<div class="container-left">
<div class="contentTitle grey">{Hotelname} Owners</div>

<div class="box">
<div class="padding">
The owners are usually engaged with their work; therefore they won't be on as much. If you've got any suggestions, please contact another member of staff.
<div style="clear:both"></div>

<div class="contentTitle blue">{Hotelname} Developers</div>
<div class="box">
<div class="padding">
{Hotelname} Hotel Developers maintain the hotel weekly to make sure it's running smoothly and efficiently.
<div style="clear:both"></div>

<div class="contentTitle red">{Hotelname} Managers</div>
<div class="box">
<div class="padding">
The Managers supervise Moderators so they do their job correctly without mistakes. They do everything a Moderator does aswell.
<div style="clear:both"></div>

<div class="contentTitle green">{Hotelname} Moderators</div>
<div class="box">
<div class="padding">
The Moderators are responsible for the safety and welfare of the users. They will perform daily checks of the chat logs, making sure the users are courteous and friendly. If you've got an issue with users, please contact the moderation department by using the 'CFH' system.
<div style="clear:both"></div>

<div class="container-right">
<div class="contentTitle grey">{Hotelname} Owner(s)</div>
<div class="box">

$getRanks = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ranks WHERE id =11 ORDER BY id DESC");
$Bans = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `username` = '" . $Users['username'] . "'");
$BanCount = mysql_num_rows($Bans);
echo $BanCount;

while ($Ranks = mysql_fetch_assoc($getRanks))

$getMembers = mysql_query("SELECT id,username,motto,look,account_created,online,last_online,role,country FROM users WHERE rank = '" . $Ranks['id'] . "'");

if (mysql_num_rows($getMembers) > 0)
$oe = 1;
while ($member = mysql_fetch_assoc($getMembers))
if ($oe == 2)
$oe = 1;
$oe = 2;

$Bans = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `added_by` = '" . $member['username'] . "'");
$BanCount = mysql_num_rows($Bans);
$Tickets = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `moderation_tickets` WHERE `moderator_id` = '" . $member['id'] . "'");
$TicketsCount = mysql_num_rows($Tickets);
<div class="team"><div style="float: left; margin-top:-1px;height: 60px; width: 64px; background: url( echo $member['look']; ?>&direction=2&head_direction=2&gesture=sml&size=m) no-repeat 0px -10px"/>
<?php if($member['online'] == 1){ $OnlineStatus = "<img alt='badge' src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/1.gif'></div>"; } else { $OnlineStatus = "<img alt='badge' src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/0.gif'></div>"; }
echo $OnlineStatus; ?>
<br/><img src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/flags/<?php echo $member['country']; ?>.png" style="float:right;"/> <b><?php echo $member['username']; ?></u></b><br/>Role: <strong><?php echo $member['role']; ?></strong></i><br/>Bans: </b> <strong><?php echo $BanCount; ?></strong></i> &nbsp; Tickets: </b><strong><?php echo $TicketsCount; ?></strong></i></div>

echo '<div class="padding">Invite your friends, be active and help {Hotelname} expand, we always hire!</div>';


<div style="clear:both"></div>

<div class="contentTitle blue">{Hotelname} Developer(s)</div>
<div class="box">
$getRanks = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ranks WHERE id = 10 ORDER BY id DESC");
$Bans = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `username` = '" . $Users['username'] . "'");
$BanCount = mysql_num_rows($Bans);
echo $BanCount;

while ($Ranks = mysql_fetch_assoc($getRanks))

$getMembers = mysql_query("SELECT id,username,motto,look,account_created,online,last_online,role,country FROM users WHERE rank = '" . $Ranks['id'] . "'");

if (mysql_num_rows($getMembers) > 0)
$oe = 1;
while ($member = mysql_fetch_assoc($getMembers))
if ($oe == 2)
$oe = 1;
$oe = 2;

$Bans = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `added_by` = '" . $member['username'] . "'");
$BanCount = mysql_num_rows($Bans);
$Tickets = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `moderation_tickets` WHERE `moderator_id` = '" . $member['id'] . "'");
$TicketsCount = mysql_num_rows($Tickets);
<div class="team"><div style="float: left; margin-top:-1px;height: 60px; width: 64px; background: url( echo $member['look']; ?>&direction=2&head_direction=2&gesture=sml&size=m) no-repeat 0px -10px"/>
<?php if($member['online'] == 1){ $OnlineStatus = "<img alt='badge' src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/1.gif'></div>"; } else { $OnlineStatus = "<img alt='badge' src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/0.gif'></div>"; }
echo $OnlineStatus; ?>
<br/><img src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/flags/<?php echo $member['country']; ?>.png" style="float:right;"/> <b><?php echo $member['username']; ?></u></b><br/><gb>Role:</b> <strong><?php echo $member['role']; ?></strong></i><br/>Bans: <strong><?php echo $BanCount; ?></strong></i> &nbsp; Tickets: <strong><?php echo $TicketsCount; ?></strong></i></div>

echo '<div class="padding">Invite your friends, be active and help {Hotelname} expand, we always hire!</div>';

<div style="clear:both"></div>

<div class="contentTitle red">{Hotelname} Manager(s)</div>
<div class="box">
$getRanks = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ranks WHERE id = 9 ORDER BY id DESC");
$Bans = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `username` = '" . $Users['username'] . "'");
$BanCount = mysql_num_rows($Bans);
echo $BanCount;

while ($Ranks = mysql_fetch_assoc($getRanks))

$getMembers = mysql_query("SELECT id,username,motto,look,account_created,online,last_online,role,country FROM users WHERE rank = '" . $Ranks['id'] . "'");

if (mysql_num_rows($getMembers) > 0)
$oe = 1;
while ($member = mysql_fetch_assoc($getMembers))
if ($oe == 2)
$oe = 1;
$oe = 2;

$Bans = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `added_by` = '" . $member['username'] . "'");
$BanCount = mysql_num_rows($Bans);
$Tickets = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `moderation_tickets` WHERE `moderator_id` = '" . $member['id'] . "'");
$TicketsCount = mysql_num_rows($Tickets);
<div class="team"><div style="float: left; margin-top:-1px;height: 60px; width: 64px; background: url( echo $member['look']; ?>&direction=2&head_direction=2&gesture=sml&size=m) no-repeat 0px -10px"/>
<?php if($member['online'] == 1){ $OnlineStatus = "<img alt='badge' src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/1.gif'></div>"; } else { $OnlineStatus = "<img alt='badge' src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/0.gif'></div>"; }
echo $OnlineStatus; ?>
<br/><img src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/flags/<?php echo $member['country']; ?>.png" style="float:right;"/> <b><?php echo $member['username']; ?></u></b><br/>Role: <strong><?php echo $member['role']; ?></strong></i><br/>Bans: <strong> <?php echo $BanCount; ?></strong></i> &nbsp; <gb>Tickets: </b><strong><?php echo $TicketsCount; ?></strong></i></div>

echo '<div class="padding">Invite your friends, be active and help {Hotelname} expand, we always hire!</div>';

<div style="clear:both"></div>

<div class="contentTitle green">{Hotelname} Moderator(s)</div>
<div class="box">
$getRanks = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ranks WHERE id = 8 ORDER BY id DESC");
$Bans = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `username` = '" . $Users['username'] . "'");
$BanCount = mysql_num_rows($Bans);
echo $BanCount;

while ($Ranks = mysql_fetch_assoc($getRanks))

$getMembers = mysql_query("SELECT id,username,motto,look,account_created,online,last_online,role,country FROM users WHERE rank = '" . $Ranks['id'] . "'");

if (mysql_num_rows($getMembers) > 0)
$oe = 1;
while ($member = mysql_fetch_assoc($getMembers))
if ($oe == 2)
$oe = 1;
$oe = 2;

$Bans = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `added_by` = '" . $member['username'] . "'");
$BanCount = mysql_num_rows($Bans);
$Tickets = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `moderation_tickets` WHERE `moderator_id` = '" . $member['id'] . "'");
$TicketsCount = mysql_num_rows($Tickets);
<div class="team"><div style="float: left; margin-top:-1px;height: 60px; width: 64px; background: url( echo $member['look']; ?>&direction=2&head_direction=2&gesture=sml&size=m) no-repeat 0px -10px"/>
<?php if($member['online'] == 1){ $OnlineStatus = "<img alt='badge' src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/1.gif'></div>"; } else { $OnlineStatus = "<img alt='badge' src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/0.gif'></div>"; }
echo $OnlineStatus; ?>
<br/><img src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/{skin}/images/icons/flags/<?php echo $member['country']; ?>.png" style="float:right;"/> <b><?php echo $member['username']; ?></u></b><br/>Role: <strong><?php echo $member['role']; ?></strong></i><br/>Bans: <strong> <?php echo $BanCount; ?></strong></i> &nbsp; Tickets: <strong><?php echo $TicketsCount; ?></strong></i></div>

echo '<div class="padding">Invite your friends, be active and help {Hotelname} expand, we always hire!</div>';

<div style="clear:both"></div>

<?php include('includes/footer.php'); ?>


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
$getMembers = mysql_query("SELECT id,username,motto,look,account_created,online,last_online,role,country FROM users WHERE rank = '" . $Ranks['id'] . "'");
The PHP is looking for additional columns in the user table, make sure all of the columns are there or remove them.
For example, it's looking for role and country, if you don't have those columns in your user table, no users will show up.

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