Hello DevBest Members,
I have a hotel named Habshock (located:
Now Habshock is fully ready to open with the database etc, however I have no staff team at the moment. That is why I am here today recruiting some new members. I will not be very active on the hotel because I am making another hotel in a different version, that is why I am looking for owners as well since I will probably not be staff on the hotel myself.
I am not just going to hire anyone to be a staff member on my hotel because I know some people are noobs and can't spell. I also want well managing people who can keep the economy good by not abusing credit commands and access to rares. You do not need any past experience as staff because there is always a first time around chance however you do need to be experience with Habbo hotel and retros (play them a lot).
The staff I hire must be active and helpful to all of our users and they must act in a professional manner. That includes, manners and not talking like this;
u k m8, wwu2?
If wish to be hotel owner will have to pay 50% of the server bills because you will actually be full owner of the hotel and I will not be staff at all (however I may rank myself every now and again). Staff members just need to be active on the hotel and help people out.
I have a hotel named Habshock (located:
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), and it has been open for a little while in BETA mode. BETA mode basically means testing and fixing bugs. I am now confident I have 99% of emulator bugs fixed and I am working on a Habbo edited theme behind the scenes to put onto the hotel since my current theme isn't very good. The theme I am currently using was just a quick and simple theme that took a matter of hours to make. Now Habshock is fully ready to open with the database etc, however I have no staff team at the moment. That is why I am here today recruiting some new members. I will not be very active on the hotel because I am making another hotel in a different version, that is why I am looking for owners as well since I will probably not be staff on the hotel myself.
I am not just going to hire anyone to be a staff member on my hotel because I know some people are noobs and can't spell. I also want well managing people who can keep the economy good by not abusing credit commands and access to rares. You do not need any past experience as staff because there is always a first time around chance however you do need to be experience with Habbo hotel and retros (play them a lot).
The staff I hire must be active and helpful to all of our users and they must act in a professional manner. That includes, manners and not talking like this;
u k m8, wwu2?
If wish to be hotel owner will have to pay 50% of the server bills because you will actually be full owner of the hotel and I will not be staff at all (however I may rank myself every now and again). Staff members just need to be active on the hotel and help people out.