Sliiiight Issue with CMS


Oct 12, 2016
Me again,

I found a CMS I'm able to load and there are no errors, but some of the content is missing.

The background appears, and the properly centered introduction, but the register button doesn't link to the register page (what href do i need), and I am still unable to create accounts that are saved to my database.

Also, the .pngs don't load beside the username & password login buttons.

If anyone has a working formula for this, to :

a) link from starting page to register
b) save accounts to database
c) log into account, and have home/me page appear

I would appreciate it.

I am on XAMPP.

This is how it currently looks:

Comments are appreciated


Nov 21, 2016
mate if u really want a retro just buy a windows pc or server. most emulators dont even support mac. its not that easy if not impossible to run a retro on a mac. i havent found a single tutorial on a retro mac setup even if it were u would need someone with tons of experience to help.:confused:

either that or u just arent setting it up right. you should get teamviewer so someone could help
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Oct 12, 2016
mate if u really want a retro just buy a windows pc or server. most emulators dont even support mac. its not that easy if not impossible to run a retro on a mac. i havent found a single tutorial on a retro mac setup even if it were u would need someone with tons of experience to help.:confused:

either that or u just arent setting it up right. you should get teamviewer so someone could help

I'm sure there is a way to get my mac to run the emulator. Besides, I'm not even at that stage yet. There are various scenarios where the given CMS appears with issues, not only with XAMP, but with the database as well.

I have not seen any tutorials for Mac, but once I'm able to store submitted information to my database, I'll begin to worry about the client and the emulator. A lot of the steps are applicable to people who use Mac. If you have any helpful information about the scripts I'm currently working with, which are in PHP & CSS, that would be a start towards getting my hotel's login & register as well as either home/me/profile to function properly upon login.

And as I said, support with emulator issues will be addressed in another thread.

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