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|Jump out gang, we jump out those vehicles|
May 5, 2017

I'm sure there are plenty of other tutorials on how to do this and I'm sure nearly everyone knows how to set one up but some people do not. This may not be the best tutorial but I would just like to help any new people to the community. I will be using the flux files many people currently use. If you have any issues then please comment below and I will help you out. I am using windows 10 in this tutorial and it will be similar to other windows which you may be using.

Navicat Premium: (You can get a cracked version but you'll have to get that yourself)
MYSQL: (Remember the password you put in during the set up)
Notepad ++:
FluxRP Emulator:
FluxRP Database:
1. Go on to your control panel [http:// ]
2. On the left on the control panel you should see 'Turn Windows features on or off', click on it [ ]
3. Open up the Internet Information Services section by clicking the (+) next to it [ ]
4. You should see 'Application Development Features', click on it [ ]
5. Click 'Ok' and install them
6. Download web platform installer:
7. When you open up the web platform installer you should see a search box [ ]
8. Search and add the following : URL Rewrite 2.1, IIS Recommended Config, PHP 5.6
9. Click install
Setting up the database
1. Open up Navicat, you should be shown this screen [ ]
2. In the top left click 'Connection' then 'MySQL' [ ]
3. You should be shown this screen, put the 'Connection Name' to 'rp' (Doesn't matter) and in the 'Password' put it as the one you entered when you was installing MYSQL (IMPORTANT) [ ]
4. Now double click it to open up the connection [ ]

5. Right click on the connection and click 'New Database' and name the database rp (IMPORTANT) then click continue [ ]
6. You can then double click it to open it up and right click on the blank white screen in the middle and click 'Execute SQL File' [ ]
7. Navigate to your FluxRP Database and open it up. Click start and wait for it to finish. Once it's finished you'll manually have to close it [ ]
8. Once done you can close and start navicat back up and it should look SOMETHING like this (with more tables) [ ]
Must do this

You must do this, open up navicat, go to your 'user_secure' table and clear everything inside it. Also go to your 'users' table and clear everything inside it [ ] or you'll get this! | |
Extracting the files
1. Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot and clear everything inside it
2. Go to your FluxRP CMS + SWFS folder which you downloaded and extract it to the inside of wwwroot [ ]
1. Go to your FluxRP EMU folder which you downloaded and extract it to your desktop [ ]
Setting up the configuration files
1. Go to your desktop and open up your emu folder (which you just extracted) [ ]
2. There should be another folder inside it called 'Build', open it up [ ]
3. There should be another folder inside Build called 'Settings', open it up [ ]
4. There should be a text document inside Settings called 'main.ini', open it up with notepad++ [ ]
ALTERNATIVE (Just search main.ini)
5. Change it to this (copy this and paste it replacing the old one):
## MySQL Configuration
db.password=YOURDATABASEPASSWORD #Replace 'YOURDATABASEPASSWORD' with the one you used to setup your navicat

## MySQL pooling setup (controls amount of connections)

## Game TCP/IP Configuration
game.tcp.bindip= #If it is localhost leave this, if you're using a VPS change it to the VPS IP

## MUS TCP/IP Configuration

## Client configuration

## Developer Settings

## Language System

## Console Clear Timer

## Bots Settings
6. Save the file once you have edited it with your database password
1. Go to your inetpub then your wwwroot folder
2. In the top right it allows you to search for a folder, search for 'config.php' [ ]

1. Go to your inetpub folder then wwwroot then app then management then open up config.php with notepad++

3. Replace it with this:
if(!defined('IN_INDEX')) { die('Sorry, you cannot access this file.'); }

$_CONFIG['mysql']['connection_type'] = 'pconnect'; //Type of connection: It must be connect, or pconnect: if you want a persistent connection.
$_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host
$_CONFIG['mysql']['username'] = 'root'; //MySQL username
$_CONFIG['mysql']['password'] = 'PUT YOUR DATABASE PASSWORD HERE'; //MySQL password #Put the password you used to setup your navicat here
$_CONFIG['mysql']['database'] = 'rp'; //MySQL database
$_CONFIG['mysql']['port'] = '3306'; //MySQL's port

* Hotel management - All URLs do not end with an "/"

$_CONFIG['hotel']['url'] = ' //Does not end with a "/" #If your using localhost leave it, if your using a domain put your domain here

$_CONFIG['hotel']['name'] = 'RP NAME'; #Put what you want your RP name to be there
$_CONFIG['hotel']['server_ip'] = ''; #If your using localhost leave it, if your using a VPS put your VPS IP here

$_CONFIG['hotel']['cdnurl'] = 'localhost'; #If your using localhost leave it, if your using a domain put your domain here

$_CONFIG['hotel']['name'] = 'RP NAME'; #Put what you want your RP name to be there
$_CONFIG['hotel']['facebook'] = '';
$_CONFIG['hotel']['in_maint'] = false;
$_CONFIG['hotel']['motto'] = 'Civilian';
$_CONFIG['hotel']['credits'] = 10;
$_CONFIG['hotel']['pixels'] = 0;
$_CONFIG['hotel']['look'] = 'hd-180-1.ch-210-66.lg-270-82.sh-290-91.hr-100';
$_CONFIG['template']['style'] = 'Habbo';

$_CONFIG['hotel']['online_text'] = 'Civilian(s) Online!';

4. Save the file
Setting up SWFS
1. Open up your inetpub folder then your wwwroot folder then your swfs folder then your gamedata folder then open up external_variables.txt with notepad++
2. Click CTRL + F, make sure it's on replace. In the top box put fluxrp.com and in the bottom put localhost or your domain [ ]
3. Save the file
Final setup
1. Open up your inetpub folder then your wwwroot folder then your app folder then your tpl folder then your skins folder then your theme folder and open up client.php with notepad++
2. Replace it with this
3. Save the file
BASICS (For Super Noobs)
To save a file in Notepad++ you can use CTRL + S or go to the navigation, then to 'file' and 'save' [ ]
You can navigate to the file by going onto Notepad++ and going to 'file' then 'open' (CTRL + O) [ ]
You can right click on the file you're opening and click 'Edit with notepad++' [ ]
Open your emu folder on the desktop, go to 'Build' and double click on 'Plus Emulator.exe'
You can now open up the emu and hopefully everything should work, if I made a mistake please let me know instantly! Sorry that I became sloppy towards end got a little tired, thank you for reading. Hope I helped you. Remember if you need any help, comment below!

| don't edit the top part of config.php |
$_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host

| Make sure your cdnurl and url in config.php have
This is very annoying but here is the fix. Go to wwwroot/app, there should be a file called class.users.php, open it and replace all the code with this:

You must do this, open up navicat, go to your 'user_secure' table and clear everything inside it. Also go to your 'users' table and clear everything inside it [ ] or you'll get this! | |

To fix this, go to wwwroot/app/tpl/skins/(which theme your using)/client.php and open client.php, do CTRL + F and go onto replace, put these details in:

Thank you @EngeldesTodes

Credits to those who provided the FluxRP Files (@HendeR)
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Legacy, it's all anyone leaves behind.
Jun 8, 2012
Suprisingly, I've seen a detailed tutorial for people. I haven't seen one of these in a long time. Good job!


New Member
Jun 25, 2017
Good tutorial, just I think I did something wrong on my part. I keep on getting this error. Any tips on how to fix it? Will be much appreciated.


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|Jump out gang, we jump out those vehicles|
May 5, 2017
Good tutorial, just I think I did something wrong on my part. I keep on getting this error. Any tips on how to fix it? Will be much appreciated.
Have you download all the url rewrite, iis recommended and php 5.6?


Posting Freak
Apr 21, 2017
Good tutorial, just I think I did something wrong on my part. I keep on getting this error. Any tips on how to fix it? Will be much appreciated.
where it says things you can try... try that


New Member
Jun 25, 2017
Nevermind, issue fixed. Found another issue though, any way to resolve this one?


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|Jump out gang, we jump out those vehicles|
May 5, 2017
Issue fixed: Ensure that you don't edit the top part of config.php where it says
$_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host
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