Someone has re-relesed it hear an i think its just to get more posts :LThere ain't no other released but that's like, if (MESSAGE) etc.. This one is easier as it updates.
Someone has re-relesed it hear an i think its just to get more posts :LThere ain't no other released but that's like, if (MESSAGE) etc.. This one is easier as it updates.
Meh probably, lol.. I bet they did it the other way, more nooby if you ask me.
case ")"://
this.Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*smiles*");
if (Message == "lol")
Message = "*laughs*";
Nope, Not like this..
He put it as,
Code:case ")":// { this.Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*smiles*"); } break;
You can also do this;
Code:if (Message == "lol") { Message = "*laughs*"; }