[Review] Devslopes.com / Mark Price's - Swift and iOS Courses


Oct 21, 2016
If you're interested or have ever been interested in developing iPhone, iPad or OSX apps you're probably like each other developer who has asked - where can I get started. Whther your a self go getter who only needs to learn the basics and then can progress by recreating projects done before, or if you like a full fledged beginner to advanced tutorial - you need a good place to start.

Well, I can tell you where a good place ISN'T to start. Devslopes.com. Also formarly known as the Swift and iOS9 and iOS10 tutorials on udemy.
Because for $205 you will learn how to... well that's the thing you won't learn anything.

Mark Price has what at first seems like an extensive library of coursework and tutorials but in reality is simply you watching him doing something and reimplementing it into your xCode without understanding why.

That is the key word that should pop up for every developer while learning something new - even if they have knowledge of the subject beforehand. You have to ask yourself why does something happen, why did he does this, and what does it really mean. By answering those questions will only you be able to learn to master the concept yourself so you can implement later on in your career. Mark Price, doesn't do any of that, he never explains, he never tells, he only does.

I am warning you because I wasted money on his courses some 1.5 years ago and am pissed ever since.

But there is good news. I learned more in the first Stanford iOS lecture (which is free by the way) than I did in 150 video's mark price had made. And to this day, and I can happily say that I'm on the right path to developing better and more sophisticated apps each and every day.

Save your money folks, and avoid the disease that is devslopes.com


New Member
Feb 26, 2023
Sounds like Devslopes continue to scam folks. $9900 for their program that’s going to change your life. Smh

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