Well Bro,What do we expect us to do...Heres a cookie,Now have fun!Help me someone ddosing my client and then everybody get disconnected help me i got kiwiguard and FortGuard please help me the client loading and then d/c help me!!
Well<We cant do much if your getting ddosed.Get cloudflare period.theard is here for help people not diss them -_-
Already said tatInstall Cloudflare
Think of this, If you keep getting DDoS'ed youll create more downtime for users because the VPS will get suspendedIf i turn off my vps the hotel not working?
You can't really DdoS client because once you DdoS port 80 everything is going to be down i suggest retreating and just guard port 80 443 3306 30000 and 30001 because those are the main reasons that you're vps and you're hotel keeps going offline or buy cloudflare or get an anti-Ddos system that blocks incoming packets.
Like if i helped