Oh that's the Icecron theme. Well it is now gone ;P
Could you log out? ( I removed the rank 7 anyways )
Thanks and I will work on a solution, it is the MySQL query but I guess I will have to edit it ;P
Lol. Just thoughht I'd tell you Also, do you mind changing my accounts email to [email protected]? Username is Zeus
What is this mobile site you speak of?!
Lol. Just thoughht I'd tell you Also, do you mind changing my accounts email to [email protected]? Username is Zeus
No problem!
I made it so if you were on a mobile device you'd get the Icecron theme, since it looks best in mobile - but it had a bug so I just made it so the Habbo theme is the mobile theme.
No problem!
I made it so if you were on a mobile device you'd get the Icecron theme, since it looks best in mobile - but it had a bug so I just made it so the Habbo theme is the mobile theme.
Done, dumb John talking for me.
Just a small suggestion for the dash, would it be possible to use the rank names after Rank X ?
So like
Welcome, menkz
RANK 5 (Moderator)
Rank 6 (Administrator)
Um, can you change my e-mail for me? I put some random shiz like [email protected]
Change it to [email protected]
Username: Beer
I will try to, but some I just got from friends that are unfinished so probably won't do some of them ( RoC and shit ).
It's pretty nice isn't it!
Have Sulake themselves coded the rest of the cms yet or is it just that register page that's there?
I actually can't wait for this now Kryptos... idgaf what my users think about it (although I'm sure they'll love it) I just want to have it because it's pure sex!
That's one of the sexiest bits of the new turkish CMS
(The pop-up box, not the terms )