RevCMS class.engine.php


Dec 17, 2013
RevolutionCMS engine class update
Hello bastards! :D

i am here to share i quick update of revolutionCMS engine class updated to use mysqli instead of mysql
Also i haven't tested this but it should work, Just replace the following code below with your class.engine.php
i also advise you to actually rename your class.engine.php to class.engine.php.bak and make a new file..
Just replace the following code below into your class.engine.php in the app folder!
     *    Revolution CMS
     *    @author        Kryptos
     *    @author        Marlboro20
     *    A mysqli class for RevolutionCMS
    namespace Revolution;
    use mysqli;

    die('Direct access to this file was denied');

    class engine
        protected $connection = null;

        private $_initiated = false;
        private $_connected = false;

        final public function Initiate()
            global $_CONFIG;
            if($this->_initiated == false)
                $this->_initiated = true;
        * Creates a new database connection
        * @return boolean
        final public function connect($type = 'pconnect')
            global $core, $_CONFIG;
            $connection = (($type == 'pconnect') ? 'p:' : '') . $_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'];
            $this->connection = new mysqli($connection, $_CONFIG['mysql']['username'], $_CONFIG['mysql']['password'], $_CONFIG['mysql']['username'], $_CONFIG['mysql']['database']);
            $this->_connected = true;
                $core->systemError('MySQL Engine', mysqli_connect_error());
                $this->_connected = false;
                return $this->_connected;
            return $this->_connected;
        * Disconnects the database connection
        * @return void
        final public function disconnect()
            global $core;
            if($this->_connected == true || $this->connection !== null)
                $this->connection = null;
                $this->_connected = false;
        * Secures a string.
        * @input    string
        * @return    string
        final public function secure($string)
            return $this->connection->real_escape_string(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($string)));
        * Runs a query in the database.
        * @returns (object) mysqli object result || False
        final public function query($sql)
            global $core;
            if(!$result = $this->connection->query($sql))
                $core->systemError('MySQL Engine', mysqli_error());
            return $result;
        * Returns the amount of rows in a table.
        * @return (int) row count.
        final public function num_rows($query)
            if($result = $this->query($query))
                return (int) $result->num_rows;
        * Returns the first row in the array.
        * @return (string) of first array key.
        final public function result($query)
            if($result = $this->fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_NUM))
                return (string) $result[0];
        * Returns an array of rows from a table in the database.
        * @return (array) $results
        final public function fetch_array($query, $type = MYSQLI_BOTH)
            $results = array();
            while($row = $this->query($query)->fetch_array($type))
                $results[] = $row;
            return $results;
        * Returns an associative array of rows from the database
        * @return (array)(assoc)
        final public function fetch_assoc($query)
            return $this->fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC);

If there is anything wrong please message me!
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