Step 2 - Modifying the Habbo classALTER TABLE users
ADD use_newui enum('1','0') DEFAULT '1';
internal bool IsGuardian;
internal bool NewUI;
internal Habbo(UInt32 Id, string Username, string RealName, uint Rank, string Motto, string Look, string Gender, Int32 Credits,
Int32 ActivityPoints, Double LastActivityPointsUpdate, bool Muted,
UInt32 HomeRoom, Int32 Respect, Int32 DailyRespectPoints, Int32 DailyPetRespectPoints,
bool MutantPenalty, bool HasFriendRequestsDisabled, uint currentQuestID, int currentQuestProgress,
int achievementPoints, int LastOnline, bool AppearOffline, bool HideInRoom, bool VIP, double CreateDate,
bool Online, bool isguide, bool Blockwhisper, int SCurrency, bool mysbox, int key, List<GroupUser> Groups, uint FavId, int LastChange)
internal Habbo(UInt32 Id, string Username, string RealName, uint Rank, string Motto, string Look, string Gender, Int32 Credits,
Int32 ActivityPoints, Double LastActivityPointsUpdate, bool Muted,
UInt32 HomeRoom, Int32 Respect, Int32 DailyRespectPoints, Int32 DailyPetRespectPoints,
bool MutantPenalty, bool HasFriendRequestsDisabled, uint currentQuestID, int currentQuestProgress,
int achievementPoints, int LastOnline, bool AppearOffline, bool HideInRoom, bool VIP, double CreateDate,
bool Online, bool isguide, bool Blockwhisper, int SCurrency, bool mysbox, int key, List<GroupUser> Groups, uint FavId, int LastChange, bool NewUI)
this.IsGuardian = true;
this.NewUI = NewUI;
internal void NewUISwitcher() {
if (NewUI)
using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = SilverwaveEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor())
dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE users SET use_newui='0' WHERE id='" + this.Id + "'");
this.NewUI = false;
GetClient().SendNotif("New UI disabled!\n\nYour changes will be applied when you reload.");
using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = SilverwaveEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor())
dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE users SET use_newui='1' WHERE id='" + this.Id + "'");
this.NewUI = true;
GetClient().SendNotif("New UI enabled!\n\nYour changes will be applied when you reload.");
add this directly below:int LastChange = (int)dRow["last_change"];
[B]bool NewUI = SilverwaveEnvironment.EnumToBool(dRow["use_newui"].ToString());[/B]
and add the NewUI bool or replace it with this:return new Habbo(id, username, realname, rank, motto, look, gender, credits, activityPoints, activityPointsLastUpdate, isMuted, homeRoom, respect, dailyRespect, dailyPetRespect, mtantPenalty, blockFriends, questID, questProgress, achiecvementPoints,
lastonline, AppearOffline, HideFromRoom, vip, Createtime, online, isguide, Blockwhisper, Sc, mys, key, group, favid, LastChange);
[B]return new Habbo(id, username, realname, rank, motto, look, gender, credits, activityPoints, activityPointsLastUpdate, isMuted, homeRoom, respect, dailyRespect, dailyPetRespect, mtantPenalty, blockFriends, questID, questProgress, achiecvementPoints,
lastonline, AppearOffline, HideFromRoom, vip, Createtime, online, isguide, Blockwhisper, Sc, mys, key, group, favid, LastChange, NewUI);[/B]
[B]#region UI (:ui) case "ui":
return true;
replace it with this:Session.SendMessage(new UserPerksComposer());
[B]Session.SendMessage(new UserPerksComposer(Session.GetHabbo()));[/B]
[B]using Silverwave.HabboHotel.Users;[/B]
public UserPerksComposer()
[B]public UserPerksComposer(Habbo Habbo)[/B]
and replace with with this:base.WriteString("NEW_UI");
[B]base.WriteString("NEW_UI"); base.WriteString("");
if (Habbo.NewUI)
Thanks gonna do this firs thing tomorrow. Now ill go sleepStep 1 - Table alteration
Firstly, run the following MySQL query:
Step 2 - Modifying the Habbo class
Firstly, open Habbo.cs and find:
and add below it:
then, find:Code:internal bool NewUI;
and add bool NewUI or replace it with this:
Code:internal Habbo(UInt32 Id, string Username, string RealName, uint Rank, string Motto, string Look, string Gender, Int32 Credits, Int32 ActivityPoints, Double LastActivityPointsUpdate, bool Muted, UInt32 HomeRoom, Int32 Respect, Int32 DailyRespectPoints, Int32 DailyPetRespectPoints, bool MutantPenalty, bool HasFriendRequestsDisabled, uint currentQuestID, int currentQuestProgress, int achievementPoints, int LastOnline, bool AppearOffline, bool HideInRoom, bool VIP, double CreateDate, bool Online, bool isguide, bool Blockwhisper, int SCurrency, bool mysbox, int key, List<GroupUser> Groups, uint FavId, int LastChange, bool NewUI)
and then find:
and add this directly below:
Code:this.NewUI = NewUI;
then you need to add this at the bottom of the Habbo.cs file:
Code:internal void NewUISwitcher() { if (NewUI) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = SilverwaveEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE users SET use_newui='0' WHERE id='" + this.Id + "'"); this.NewUI = false; GetClient().SendNotif("New UI disabled!\n\nYour changes will be applied when you reload."); } } else { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = SilverwaveEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE users SET use_newui='1' WHERE id='" + this.Id + "'"); this.NewUI = true; GetClient().SendNotif("New UI enabled!\n\nYour changes will be applied when you reload."); } } }
Step 3 - modifying the Authenticator class
Firstly, open Authenticator.cs and find:
add this directly below:
then, find:Code:[B]bool NewUI = SilverwaveEnvironment.EnumToBool(dRow["use_newui"].ToString());[/B]
and add the NewUI bool or replace it with this:
Step 4 - Adding the commandCode:[B]return new Habbo(id, username, realname, rank, motto, look, gender, credits, activityPoints, activityPointsLastUpdate, isMuted, homeRoom, respect, dailyRespect, dailyPetRespect, mtantPenalty, blockFriends, questID, questProgress, achiecvementPoints, lastonline, AppearOffline, HideFromRoom, vip, Createtime, online, isguide, Blockwhisper, Sc, mys, key, group, favid, LastChange, NewUI);[/B]
Open ChatCommandHandler.cs and add this:
Step 5 - Final stepsCode:[B]#region UI (:ui) case "ui": { Session.GetHabbo().NewUISwitcher(); return true; } #endregion[/B]
Firstly open InfoRetrieveEvent.cs and find:
replace it with this:
then, open up UserPerksComposer.cs and add the following reference:Code:[B]Session.SendMessage(new UserPerksComposer(Session.GetHabbo()));[/B]
then, find:Code:[B]using Silverwave.HabboHotel.Users;[/B]
and replace it with:
Code:[B]public UserPerksComposer(Habbo Habbo)[/B]
then, find:
and replace with with this:
Code:[B]base.WriteString("NEW_UI"); base.WriteString(""); if (Habbo.NewUI) { base.WriteBoolean(true); } else { base.WriteBoolean(false); }[/B]
INSERT INTO `fuse_cmds` (`command`, `rank`, `params`, `description`) VALUES ('ui', '1', NULL, 'Change back to the old version of the hotel.');
Eh, idk the probably what is ur skype? I fixed it for Instagram the 3-4 days ago.Still wont o nothing when I say :ui
swaggdinEh, idk the probably what is ur skype? I fixed it for Instagram the 3-4 days ago.
What is ur skype?can ya skype me? (yeh i didnt get it either xD)
Don't do it, he's going to want your VPS details to hack it. Lol he tryed it on me.can you skype me to i don't get it
My skype is blendhotel