Well-Known Member
Hey Devbest,
I am here to release a nice top stat page its going to be dynamic and simple Doesn't take up much space at all. Everything is manageable via the database.
First Add the table to the database:
Next put the code in the stats page:
How it works:
Just add the stat into the database as follows;
Stat Name = The name of the column in the database (Credits/Activity_points/RoomVisits)
Limit = The number of records you would like to display (5/8/10)
Table = The name of the table the column is in (Users/user_stats)
Display = Text on the div box (Credits, Duckets, Online Time, Room Visits)
Order = ASC/DESC (Ascending or Descending)
After = Text after the output example: 500c 8 gifts
Defaults I made for you:
You can just add more if you would like, or change the ones already there.
TIP: Change the <div class="c-box"> and other div's to match your revcms edit, otherwise it will not display correctly.
Notice: This is a basic top stats, it just shows a small image of them with their username and then the stat. There is nothing special on the front end Feel free to edit that, and maybe re-release in the comments a nice front end and I will put it in the thread !
- JayCustom
I am here to release a nice top stat page its going to be dynamic and simple Doesn't take up much space at all. Everything is manageable via the database.
First Add the table to the database:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cms_topstats`;
CREATE TABLE `cms_topstats` (
`stat` varchar(120) NOT NULL,
`limit` int(11) NOT NULL,
`table` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
`display` varchar(120) NOT NULL,
`order` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'ASC or DESC',
`after` varchar(50) NOT NULL
Next put the code in the stats page:
function GetTimeDiff($time)
$d = floor($time/86400);
$_d = ($d < 10 ? '' : '').$d;
$h = floor(($time-$d*86400)/3600);
$_h = ($h < 10 ? '' : '').$h;
$time_str = $_d . ' days ' . $_h . ' hours';
return $time_str;
$getTopStats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cms_TopStats`");
while($currentStat = mysql_fetch_assoc($getTopStats)){
<div class="c-box" style="width:220px;display:inline-block;">
<div class="c-title red" style="width:220px;display:inline-block;"><?php echo $currentStat['display']; ?></div>
<div class="c-main">
if($currentStat['table'] == "users"){
$getUserStats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$currentStat['table']." WHERE rank < 3 ORDER BY ".$currentStat['stat']." ".$currentStat['order']." LIMIT ".$currentStat['limit']."");
$getUserStats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$currentStat['table']." ORDER BY ".$currentStat['stat']." ".$currentStat['order']." LIMIT ".$currentStat['limit']."");
while($currentWinner = mysql_fetch_assoc($getUserStats)){
$userStats = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `look`,`username` FROM users WHERE id = '".$currentWinner['id']."'"));
<img style="float:left;display:inline-block;" src="http://www.habbo.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure=<?php echo $userStats['look']; ?>&direction=2&head_direction=3&size=s">
<p style="overflow:none;"><span style="color:blue;"><?php echo $userStats['username'];?> ~ </span><span style="color:red;"><?php $value = $currentStat['stat'];if($currentStat['stat'] != "OnlineTime"){echo $currentWinner[$value];}else{echo GetTimeDiff($currentWinner[$value]);}echo $currentStat['after'];?></span></p>
How it works:
Just add the stat into the database as follows;
Stat Name = The name of the column in the database (Credits/Activity_points/RoomVisits)
Limit = The number of records you would like to display (5/8/10)
Table = The name of the table the column is in (Users/user_stats)
Display = Text on the div box (Credits, Duckets, Online Time, Room Visits)
Order = ASC/DESC (Ascending or Descending)
After = Text after the output example: 500c 8 gifts
Defaults I made for you:
INSERT INTO `cms_topstats` VALUES ('credits', '5', 'users', 'Credits', 'DESC', 'c');
INSERT INTO `cms_topstats` VALUES ('vip_points', '5', 'users', 'Diamonds', 'DESC', ' Diamonds');
INSERT INTO `cms_topstats` VALUES ('activity_points', '5', 'users', 'Duckets', 'DESC', ' Duckets');
INSERT INTO `cms_topstats` VALUES ('OnlineTime', '5', 'user_stats', 'Online Time', 'DESC', '');
INSERT INTO `cms_topstats` VALUES ('RoomVisits', '5', 'user_stats', 'Room Visits', 'DESC', ' Visits');
INSERT INTO `cms_topstats` VALUES ('Respect', '5', 'user_stats', 'Respects Recieved', 'DESC', ' Respects');
INSERT INTO `cms_topstats` VALUES ('RespectGiven', '5', 'user_stats', 'Respects Given', 'DESC', ' Respects');
INSERT INTO `cms_topstats` VALUES ('GiftsGiven', '5', 'user_stats', 'Gifts Given', 'DESC', ' Gifts');
You can just add more if you would like, or change the ones already there.
TIP: Change the <div class="c-box"> and other div's to match your revcms edit, otherwise it will not display correctly.
Notice: This is a basic top stats, it just shows a small image of them with their username and then the stat. There is nothing special on the front end Feel free to edit that, and maybe re-release in the comments a nice front end and I will put it in the thread !
- JayCustom