This is in the CMS releases since it's partly a CMS page? But old school, if moderators have a problem you can move it!
Alright, so I got bored and might make a old school, but I did an easy to configure old school PHP client. (Doesn't need MYSQL).
I left in the DCRS,VARIABLES and TEXTS, as some people have an hard time finding them, also I left in some decent ports for you to use.
The other bits just fill in your information, here is the file code, save it as index.php (or anything else you want).
// info for the client // I'l leave you the mus ports.
$musport = '30001';
$infoport = '1232';
$clientreloadurl = 'the reload url';
$connectioninfohost = 'your hamachi/normal IP address';
// dcrs // I'l leave them DCRS there for you.
$dcr = '';
$texts = '';
$variables = '';
// hotel information
$hotelname = 'Your Hotel Name!';
<center><?php echo "$hotelname"; ?></center>
<object classid='clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000' codebase=',5,1,0' id='habbo' width='720' height='540'>
<param name='src' value='<?php echo "$dcr"; ?>'>
<param name='swRemote' value='swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true' '>
<param name='swStretchStyle' value='none'>
<param name='swText' value=''>
<param name='bgColor' value='#000000'>
<param name='sw6' value='external.texts.txt=<?php echo "$texts"; ?>'>
<param name='sw2' value='<?php echo "$connectioninfohost"; ?>;<?php echo "$infoport"; ?>'>
<param name='sw4' value=';connection.mus.port=30001'>
<param name='sw3' value='client.reload.url=<?php echo "$clientreloadurl"; ?>'>
<param name='sw1' value='site.url=;url.prefix='>
<param name='sw5' value='external.variables.txt=<?php echo "$variables"; ?>'>
<embed src='<?php echo "$dcr"; ?>' bgColor='#000000' width='720' height='540' swRemote='swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true'' swStretchStyle='none' swText='' type='application/x-director' pluginspage='' sw6='external.texts.txt=<?php echo "$texts"; ?>' sw2='<?php echo "$connectioninfohost"; ?>;<?php echo "$infoport"; ?>' sw4=';connection.mus.port=30001' sw3='client.reload.url=<?php echo "$clientreloadurl"; ?>' sw1='site.url=;url.prefix=' sw5='external.variables.txt=<?php echo "$variables"; ?>'>
- Enjoy.