- Mar 20, 2013
- 126
- 6
Fresh Server - R63 Pre Shuffle, C#
This Emulator served us on Fresh for many, many years and was proven to hold over 2,000 users online with no lag at all. It's features are too numerous to list, and we have no clean database for it.
If you want to construct a hotel with this server, start with a clean Phoenix database and go from there. It should mostly work with a blank Phoenix database, as we migrated from Phoenix to Butterfly with little to no database changes.
This server can be considered feature complete for R63, pre shuffle standards.
All the other information I have for you is a command list:
Code:accept AcceptProposal addtag alert AllignFurni back Balance ban bancount BuyCredits buypixels buyx catarefresh cleancache CloseDice coins come commands connection coords copylook dance decline DeclineProposal deleteMission disablediagonal DisableFastWalk disablefollow disablefriends disablegift disableinvite disablemimic disabletrade disconnect DisconnectClient Dispose Divorce dropItem dropkick empty emptyfriends emptypets enable enablefollow enablefriends enableInvites enablestatus enabletrade eventsAlert explore faceless facepalm faq fastwalk flush flushbots flushnavi Fly forceheight forcerot forcestate freeze getstaff giveBadge giveCrystals giveItem GivePoints globalcredits GlobalPixels handitem HaveSex healeveryone Help hit hotelalert HotelSummon HowManyRooms Hug idle ignore info invisible ipban kick kiss langban language lay linkAlert listen makesay massbadge masscredits masspixels moonwalk mordi mute NextReward offerduel openroom overridee party pickall pixels PlaceAmount poof powerlevels Propose protection pull push redeemhand RegId registerIRC review RigDice RollDice room roomalert roombadge RoomBan RoomClone roomkick roommute RoomRave roomsay RoomUnban Safe sellroom seteffect SetFillMode setmax setspeed Shoelace ShowWhispers shutdown sit slapass SmokeWeed SpinSlot Staff StaffAlert stalk StartDeathmatchGame superban teleport tradeX transform twerk unbanUser unload UnloadMyRooms unmute Update updateblacklist updatefurni updatemodels UpdateRewards userinfo Verified ViewBans ViewMutes warp Wealth wheresmypet whosonline Winner
--------------- PSA ---------------
Don't mind the terrible, shitty code. At one point it was maintained solely by me and I only retained the sourcecode, and during some inevitable retro drama - the source was decompiled from the executable and a bunch of shitty developers coded on the top of it, unfortunately including myself once the decompiled trash had been developed too far to go back to the original codebase. So that is why nothing is named, there's useless checks everywhere, something any developer has seen with decompiled code.
Without Maritnmine, there would be no open source Butterfly. Thank you for your huge contribution. Without this Emulator I would never have learned C#.
Recoded every wired item in the game. A considerable undertaking, even though he had 1 really badly coded task handling every wired in the game for over 1,500 online users. Unfortunately he did this great work on a decompiled codebase which in the end made it impossible to move back to the old, organised and pretty code.
I spent an unknown amount of years improving, fixing, occasionally breaking and generally working on this server. It was for a while my pride and joy, until I had my balls cut off and conceded to working on a decompiled version of it. I hated it from that point on, but money is money so I kept working on it.
Other developers
A bunch of other cretins were unfortunately, allowed to work on this server. They did more harm than good but still, some good things were accomplished. Y'all made me alot of money as I had to fix so many of your issues.
This server is released with this fine mans blessing. He spent an incredible amount of money toward development of this server, many pizzas, and many ubereats and even more McDonald's breakfasts. He had to put up with a stupid amount of derps, bugs, and issues while they were worked out. Kudos for the patience, but we got there in the end.
Closing notes
There is zero support for this emulator. It reached the end of it's life in January this year, and unfortunately we don't care about this beast of a server anymore. It's stable to do anything.
Sorry about not having a database, but our DB has undergone many many changes since moving to a new emulator this year, so I wouldn't be able to provide one even if I wanted to.
never thought a popular hotel would release any of its assets but this is cool.
What's the point? r63b has way more features than r63 and it's not like you can use the nostalgia factor with r63 since it was still used recently.
hi i'm sorry to bother but by any chances have you still got this emulator's files please ? the link is deadI appreciate it, especially with the community these days. Thank you!
hi i'm sorry to bother but by any chances have you still got this emulator's files please ? the link is dead
i would love to run again a r63a for entertaining my nostalgia but i can't find it anywhere and it seems that this emulator is the best for r63a
thank you in advance !
you're my godYou must be registered for see links