[REL] Ambulance, Coded by Polomikey [REL]

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Sep 27, 2010
Okay so 1 week ago , i was thinking and stuff and i just came up with a 411 command , well for a fact , i know HarshK coded this command for v26 rps so i guess i would code a 411 command for r63 emu's (RPS). So i would put HarshK name in the credits for coding this sexy command in v26 emu's

This command is going into my emu , called PrjRoyale , So more commands are going to be released.
The Emulator would be released in September , because i am almost finished coding in it , and fixing up all the bugs and stuff.

What would this command do?
The command would call a ambulance and the ambulance would be notified that someone calling them.

Why you decided to code this command?
I decided to code this command for every emu (Except for Phoenix) , So people could have fun calling ambulance

Why didn't you code this command for v26?
I didn't code this command for v26 because Sleddy coded it & i didn't want to code something that has been coded before.

Why you quit coding in v26 emu's?
I didn't quit coding it in , I just took a step back from it

case "411":
                            if (Session.GetHabbo().Rank > 1)
                                TargetRoom = UberEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().GetRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId);
                                    TargetRoomUser = TargetRoom.GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id);

                                    if (TargetRoomUser == null)
                                        return false;
                                        string cfhMessage = Input.Substring(3);
                                        TargetRoomUser.Chat(Session, "*Calls 411 for help!*", false);

                                        if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId != TargetClient.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId)
                                            Session.SendNotif("You have called the hostipal" + Params[1] + "");

                                        TargetClient.SendNotif(Session.GetHabbo().Username + "A call has just came in");
                                    Target = UberEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().GetRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId);


                                Session.SendNotif("The NYPD , Are on there way , Try not to leave your location");
                                    return true;
                           return false;
Credits -
Polomikey - 100% - Coded this command for (r63)
HarshK - 100% - Coded this command for (v26)
Nillus - For holograph emu
Meth0d - For uberemu
Sulake - uberemu
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