GTA SA [Refunds] Design Pro Roleplay - 24/7 Unique script

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New Member
Jun 2, 2011

NOTE: I'm not an admin or moderator on the server
so don't ask me about getting admin

General Information:

Design Pro Roleplay is an Awesome Roleplay server with Professional Admins, Good and Professional Scripter, Mapper. I guess your thinking like "Whatever just another Roleplay server" Well what makes us diffrent from other SAMP Roleplay Servers is that we care about our users we care about the RP. We help users we tell them if they did somefhing wrong not just ban them like some stupid people. No We help them. We try to add somefhing new to the Script all the time.

About Script
The script is an Edit from VL-RP Script wich is edited Heavly by our Scripter and Mapper. We are adding new stuff all the time and always trying to add your suggestions but at the same time not add any Over Powered Stuff. We can map your custom Family house with Moving gates if you donate. You can buy VIP Custom houses Custom Cars if you donate.

You can visit any 24/7 wich is located around the map.
/buy to show a dialog of things you can buy.

Dynamic House System
Our dynamic house system is awesome you can choose a interior and Position of house your self!
You can Choose a House car as well isent that awesome ?!
To open House Dialog you must do /buyhouse In Game

Dynamic Bussines System
We have a dynamic Business System as well! It allows you to choose between diffrent Business Types.
Like 24/7 Shop, Ammunation Shop, And some other cool stuff.
/buybiz In Game to show a Dialog for Setup

Event System
We have an Event system as well Admins can make an event and announce it to players.
Winners will get rewarded by cookies or other cool stuff!
/joinevent In Game when you get a message about a Event has Started.

Donation System
The Donation System is awesome There is 4 Diffrent VIP Types: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum.
As a VIP you get awesome features that normal players dosent get like Custom Name Color.
Custom House Car. Custom House Interrior Or event a Custom House GATE! Isent that awesome`

The Admin Team is a good admin team. It stands out from other admin teams.
They care about the users and the RP. They help the users. They have experience in administration.
They are very friendly and nice to talk with.

Server Information:
Server IP:
Owners: Gil_Kobel, Ricardo_Willings

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