I suggest you don't implement this, I mean its good, but people will cheat the system with hotspot shield and what not.
But i'm not here to tell you what to do so try this:
Referer : <input type="text" name="referal" />
$ref = $_POST['referal'];
{//normal register scriptelse{mysql_query("UPDATE users SET credits=AMOUNTOFCOINS WHERE username = $ref");
Don't do that...
1) It resets the users credits to "AMOUTOFCOINTS".
2)You can spam for credits by just using a post function.
3)in codding never use "$ref==""" always use isset or empty
3) Exploit "$ref = $_POST['referal'];" and username = $ref");
I will code it for him...damn man, I didn't even catch that, but It took me 2 seconds, didnt even look at it really
Also I think a referral section on the register page would be better, not the link idea.
$_GET['ref'] == $engine->secure($_GET['ref']));
$q = mysql_query("select id, last_ip from users where username = '{$_GET['ref']}'");
$f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 1)
if($f['last_ip'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])
$template->form->error = 'The IP of this account is the same as yours';
$q1 = mysql_query("SELECT credits FROM users WHERE username = '{$_GET['ref']}'");
$f1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($q1);
$newcoins = $f1['credits']+5000;
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET credits='{$newcoins}' WHERE username = '{$_GET['href']'}";
$template->form->error = 'Referal username was not found.';
unset($q, $f, $q1, $f1);
if($this->isBanned($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) == false)