Show DevBest Project AssetsLab


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012

As some of you may know, I've been in the process of starting up my own business and although it is still in development we'd like to open up a way of generating interest for potential future users.

Since development is still early days, we'll be revealing more and more about the site as time goes on - for now, it's best to check out the main site and follow AssetsLab on social media, should you have any queries or concerns.


Questions and queries?
Any questions you may have is preferred to be asked via social media, as this may help out others as well.

For now, this is all I can reveal - don't miss out on updates by registering early on the main page! We'd also really appreciate any shares, comments and so on! Every little helps.. We'll even follow you back :)


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Registered for updates right away. Awesome to see something coming up, can't wait for it to open. I know how hard you've worked on it, if anyone, you deserce this. #hype


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
Registered for updates right away. Awesome to see something coming up, can't wait for it to open. I know how hard you've worked on it, if anyone, you deserce this. #hype
Thanks for that man! Appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2012
Thanks :)

Feel free to register on-site to receive exclusive updates - don't worry, we don't spam.
lies I've had 20+ spam emails already. But it's good because apparently there's hot moms near my location!

Looks good, also like the idea! I wish you the best of luck with this!


Boredom, it vexes me.
Oct 30, 2011
Do you sell my email to the internet predators? Am I going to get raped via email?

What exactly is your business? What will become of this site?


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
Do you sell my email to the internet predators? Am I going to get raped via email?

What exactly is your business? What will become of this site?
All emails are sold to Big Brother, sorry! That's a joke of course - it's purely to keep those interested up-to-date.
It's essentially providing an online platform for young web/graphic designers allowing for promotion, feedback and a way of gaining real world working experience with genuine customers. In time we hope to be a solution many small businesses turn to and a route self-taught developers choose to take to gain experience.

lies I've had 20+ spam emails already. But it's good because apparently there's hot moms near my location!

Looks good, also like the idea! I wish you the best of luck with this!
That was just an email for you! :)

Thanks man, appreciate it.


Professional Moderator
Nov 20, 2010
Sounds alright but you say it's a business and I have heard you say the odd thing or two about it

What I'm trying to work out is since it's a business. This means making money right? Does the person I.e designer etc have to pay to sign up? Or how does it work (fair enough if you can't disclose this yet)


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
Love your launch page! I subscribed and I can't wait for launch.
Thanks man, appreciate it :) know of any designer friends that could register - feel free to tell them!

Sounds alright but you say it's a business and I have heard you say the odd thing or two about it

What I'm trying to work out is since it's a business. This means making money right? Does the person I.e designer etc have to pay to sign up? Or how does it work (fair enough if you can't disclose this yet)
There is a revenue stream in place, although first mission of business to generate the user count and then bring on profit generating modules as time goes on.

Just thought I'd let people know, we are having issues (legally) with the naming so a rebrand will be in place soon, although thinking of a half-decent name that suits is becoming increasingly hard. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.

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