Problem with Bootstrap

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Feb 9, 2012
Hello everyone,
Sorry for posting two helps in about a week, but couldn't find anything on Google.

1st: What do the javascript files do in bootstrap? I have only learnt the basics of JS and JQ so I don't understand the code. Apparently it has something to do with a modal?
2nd: I have two CSS files linked to my webpage. A bootstrap one and my own. The bootstrap CSS is badly laid out and when I Ctrl + F and search for a class, it comes up saying it is not found. So I decided to do my thing on my own CSS. What I wanted to do is make the Nav in a fixed position. This worked but the line underneath my nav bar has been shortened, how would I get it all across the screen again?
3rd: How do I have half the nav links on one side, and some one the other? For Example: Home About Login Sign Up

Thanks! And ask if you want images for a better explanation!


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
  1. is everything that the JavaScript side of Bootstrap allows you to do.
  2. I'm assuming the content has moved up, where the navigation used to be? If so, simply add a margin-top to the body.
  3. You would use the float property in CSS (float right and left, and then clear both), 's how you'd do it with the help of Bootstrap.


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
Can't provide much of an answer to this as I'm on mobile but in reference to "bootstrap is laid out badly" it isn't? Maybe you're using the minified version. For production purpose make sure you are linking to "bootstrap.css" instead of "bootstrap.min.css".


Feb 9, 2012
By badly laid out I meant all the text is on 2 lines.

@Rooster that was before i put position: fixed; that is it after. Just had an idea, woulld colspan work?

Ill try float. I had already made it float: right; but hadn't tried float: left; and clear: both; Thanks!


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
By badly laid out I meant all the text is on 2 lines.
That's the minified version of Bootstrap; it's so that it downloads faster. Regardless, you shouldn't be editing that file, and instead overriding it with your separate CSS file. You can use Inspect Element to see the properties of a specific class. But if you want to see the actual CSS file (not compressed), use "bootstrap.css", as opposed to "bootstrap.min.css".

@Rooster that was before i put position: fixed; that is it after. Just had an idea, woulld colspan work?
Try using ".navbar-fixed-top", it should allow you to have your div stretch across the entire page, while being fixed to the top.


Feb 9, 2012
Thank you, I will try that. Had no idea I downloaded the mini version, it gives no indication that it is the mini version.
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