New Member
- Dec 21, 2016
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- 13
Hi devbest,
I recently came across an "exploit" that allows users to bypass the bad HTML filter on bot speech setup.
Normally for example <font size="200"> and </font> would be blocked, but by simply using <FONT SIZE="200"> and </FONT> in capitals, you can bypass the filter. I also believe you can work around it with other variations too like "FoNT" or "fOnT" - but I do not remember. 200 is not the font size limit, you can make it go much higher and take up the whole screen. I have not tested this with alot of other HTML, but I'm sure this could be used to do much more malicious things.
It is shown here
Here's the fix which completely removes any form of string upon saving bot speeches.
Go to SaveBotActionEvent.cs and find:
Replace that with:
Happy days.
I recently came across an "exploit" that allows users to bypass the bad HTML filter on bot speech setup.
Normally for example <font size="200"> and </font> would be blocked, but by simply using <FONT SIZE="200"> and </FONT> in capitals, you can bypass the filter. I also believe you can work around it with other variations too like "FoNT" or "fOnT" - but I do not remember. 200 is not the font size limit, you can make it go much higher and take up the whole screen. I have not tested this with alot of other HTML, but I'm sure this could be used to do much more malicious things.
It is shown here

Go to SaveBotActionEvent.cs and find:
for (int i = 0; i <= SpeechData.Length - 1; i++)
using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = DatabaseManager.GetQueryReactor())
for (int i = 0; i <= SpeechData.Length - 1; i++)
SpeechData[i] = Regex.Replace(SpeechData[i], "<(.|\\n)*?>", string.Empty);
using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = DatabaseManager.GetQueryReactor())
Happy days.
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