[PHP] Timestamp

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Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
I have been trying this for hours. I am not very good with timestamps/dates and I really need a refresher. I tried looking at tutorials before posting and tried so hard to figure it out myself but I need a little help :) Thanks Guys. Heres what I got:

When the button is clicked it updates the users information:
$newTimeStamp = time(); <-- Gets the current time ON THE SERVER
mysql_query("UPDATE user_lottery SET Rolled = '". $newTimeStamp ."' WHERE user_id = '". $_SESSION['user']['id'] ."'");
Then it updates the users entry with that time (Which this part works fine)

So after it gets the time I want to test if its been 24 hours PAST that timestamp.

$checkdatabase = mysql_query("SELECT Rolled FROM user_lottery WHERE user_id = '". $_SESSION['user']['id'] ."'");
So this line above, grabs the Rolled column from user_lottery
if(strtotime($checkdatabase) > strtotime("-24 hours"))
Then this line says if that time is greater then that - 24 hours then do this...

But when I update my database manually, and refresh the page EVEN if I make the date smaller, bigger or the same , my code of the button does not show. So here is the whole code:
$checkdatabase = mysql_query("SELECT Rolled FROM user_lottery WHERE user_id = '". $_SESSION['user']['id'] ."'");
if(strtotime($checkdatabase) > strtotime("-24 hours"))
<form method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Free Roll" name="getValues" class="submit"/>
You have already rolled your free roll


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
I'm assuming the question is how to check if it has been 24 hours or not.
if($timestampFromDatabase < time() - (60 * 60 * 24))
    // It has been 24 hours.
    // It has not been 24 hours.


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
Alright lets see if this works. I was trying to do dates, and I got it but then realized with dates you have to wait 2 days LMAO.
I'm assuming the question is how to check if it has been 24 hours or not.
if($timestampFromDatabase < time() - (60 * 60 * 24))
    // It has been 24 hours.
    // It has not been 24 hours.
Well this didn't work but it helped me to the solution
$getRolled = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_lottery WHERE user_id='". $_SESSION['user']['id'] ."'");
while($Rolled = mysql_fetch_array($getRolled)){
if($Rolled['Rolled'] < date('Y-m-d H:m:s',strtotime('last day')))
I used a while loop (So it would ALWAYS grab new data, even if I updated it manually) and then checked the date like that and it works :)


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
I'm assuming the question is how to check if it has been 24 hours or not.
if($timestampFromDatabase < time() - (60 * 60 * 24))
    // It has been 24 hours.
    // It has not been 24 hours.
You should first check difference between current time and the timestamp form the database. Then if difference is greater than 60*60*24, it's been 24 hours.


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
Already solved it, but thanks guys
Alright lets see if this works. I was trying to do dates, and I got it but then realized with dates you have to wait 2 days LMAO.

Well this didn't work but it helped me to the solution
$getRolled = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_lottery WHERE user_id='". $_SESSION['user']['id'] ."'");
while($Rolled = mysql_fetch_array($getRolled)){
if($Rolled['Rolled'] < date('Y-m-d H:m:s',strtotime('last day')))
I used a while loop (So it would ALWAYS grab new data, even if I updated it manually) and then checked the date like that and it works :)
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